Projects 2011-12
1. Does motivational state (e.g., receiving 'rewards' or 'punishments') change our ability to inhibit unwanted actions?
- Egner, T. (2009). Prefrontal cortex and cognitive control: motivating functional hierarchies. Nature Neuroscience, 12, 821-822.
- van Steenbergen, H., Band, G. O. H., & Hommel, B. (2009). Reward Counteracts Conflict Adaptation: Evidence for a Role of Affect in Executive Control. Psychological Science, 20, 1473-1477.
2. Is the ability to inhibit unwanted actions affected by one's gender and/or sexual orientation?
- Colzato, L. S., Gertsig, G., van den Wildenberg, W. P. M., & Hommel., B. (2010). Estrogen modulates inhibitory control in healthy human females: evidence from the stop-signal paradigm. Neuroscience, 167, 709-715.
- Li, C. R., Huang, C., Constable, R. T., & Sinha, R. (2006). Gender differences in the neural correlates of response inhibition during a stop signal task. NeuroImage, 32, 1918-1929.
- Maylor, E. A., Reimer, S., Choic, J., Collaer, M. L., Peters, M., & Silverman, I. (2007). Gender and Sexual Orientation Differences in Cognition Across Adulthood: Age Is Kinder to Women than to Men Regardless of Sexual Orientation. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 36, 235-249.
3. Is there a relationship between intelligence and our ability to inhibit unwanted actions?
- Arffa, S. (2007). The relationship of intelligence to executive function and non-executive function measures in a sample of average, above average, and gifted youth. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 22, 969–978.
- Liu, T., Xiao, T., Shi, J., & Zhao, L. (2011). Sensory gating, inhibition control and child intelligence: an event-related potential study. Neuroscience, 189, 250-257.