Random Fun Stuff
- Sudoku and more Sudoku (Yahoo)
- FreeCell
- Crosswords (Guardian)
- Kreuzworträtsel (Die Zeit)
- Crack It
- Bubble Shooter
- Online Logic Games
- Store web games
Fun&Info Videos
- TED-Ed
- MinuteEarth
- MinutePhysics
- Kurzgesagt ("in a nutshell")
Fun & Nonsense:
- Onlinestreet: Ausgewählte Webseiten, Erfahrungsberichte & Nachschlagewerk
- Less Wrong - a community blog devoted to refining the art of human rationality
- Edge: Conversations on the edge of human knowledge
- wiseGEEK: clear answers for common questions
- Memrise
- Lifehacker
- Wonder Ho To
- David Colquhoun's Improbable Science
- Number Watch
- Amnesty International
- AVEN - Asexual Visibility and Education Network
- MiDoMi (Search for Music Using Your Voice)