PhD Fellowship in Behavioural Science - Dr Emmanouil Konstantinidis
PhD Fellowship in Behavioural Science in the Department of Psychology at the University of Warwick
Supervisor: Dr Emmanouil Konstantinidis (Behavioural Science Group)
Project: Cognitive Processes in Judgment and Decision Making
Broadly, the goal of this PhD project is to study the psychological and cognitive processes in judgment and decision making. Specifically, the project will focus on various aspects of preferential choice, including risky choice, intertemporal choice, and experience-based decision making (e.g., risky decisions from experience). This project will involve experimental, behavioural, statistical, and computational modelling methods (e.g., Reinforcement Learning, Evidence Accumulation Models, Prospect Theory). Some examples of current research questions are: How do people combine and integrate different sources of information when they make decisions? What is the role of personal goals and aspirations in the formation of preferences? How do people behave in dynamically changing or highly volatile decision environments? More applied current research questions consider the determinants of sequential risk-taking behaviour in gambling situations and the investigation of risk preference with primary rewards (such as food and water).
Requirements: We seek a highly motivated student with strong interest in quantitative research and a broad interest in topics of judgment and decision-making. Experience with statistics, computer programming, and research methods are assets. Applicants should, as a minimum, have an Upper Second Class undergraduate degree, but preferably a First Class undergraduate degree or a Master’s distinction in Psychology, Statistics, Neuroscience, Economics, or a related field. To apply, include your CV and a short document (2 page maximum) detailing why you are a suitable candidate, your experience with programming languages, and research you would be interested in pursuing.
Applicants without an existing PhD application with us should apply online through the Graduate School online form:
Applicants who already have an existing PhD application with us should instead complete the online form:
If you have any questions related to this PhD project or would like more details, please contact Dr Emmanouil Konstantinidis at e dot konstantinidis at warwick dot ac dot uk.
Related Publications:
- Weiss-Cohen, L., Konstantinidis, E., Speekenbrink, M., & Harvey, N. (2018). Task complexity moderates the influence of descriptions in decisions from experience. Cognition, 170, 209–227.
- Ballard, T., Luckman, A., & Konstantinidis, E. (2020). How meaningful are parameter estimates from models of inter-temporal choice? Manuscript submitted for publication –
- Konstantinidis, E., Taylor, R. T., & Newell, B. R. (2018). Magnitude and incentives: Revisiting the overweighting of extreme events in risky decisions from experience. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25, 1925–1933.
- Speekenbrink, M., & Konstantinidis, E. (2015). Uncertainty and exploration in a restless bandit problem. Topics in Cognitive Science, 7, 351–367.