People Research Participate Directions FAQs
To participate in our studies, simply provide us with your contact details using the "Sign up to our database here" link below and we will get in touch with you when we have an age-appropriate study for your child! Even if you sign up with us now, there is no obligation for you to agree to participation when we call you in the future.
Your child will be participating in a fun and engaging game or task very similar to an everyday activity. Studies generally involve 1 visit to the University of Warwick's Department of Psychology, and will take about 1 hour (we will always inform you of the duration and how many visits we require participation for before you commit to a study).
All of our studies are made possible by the generous participation of parents and children and we're very grateful for their help and interest.
All information will be treated as strictly confidential and you are free to stop the study at any time with no consequences.
For further information or to address any queries please either email or call +44-(0)7823524617.
Sign up to our database here
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