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Mental defeat predicts suicide risk

Check out our new paper published in the Journal of PainLink opens in a new window on mental defeat and suicidality. This is our first publication based on data collected for the WITHIN study. We thank our staff and research participants for their invaluable contribution!

Results from this prospective cohort study suggest that mental defeat is a significant predictor of increased suicide risk among patients with chronic pain, along with depression, perceived stress, head pain, and active smoking status. These findings offer a novel avenue for assessment and preventative intervention before risk escalates.

Mon 31 Jul 2023, 17:56 | Tags: suicidality, paper, chronic pain, WITHIN

New paper on cognitive factors in insomnia

Check out our new paperLink opens in a new window to be published in the Journal of Sleep Research's Insomnia Special Issue. It's an accesible primer to cognitive models of insomnia published since 1980.

Tang, N. K. Y., Saconi, B., Jansson-Fröjmark, M., Ong, J. C., & Carney, C. E. (2023). Cognitive factors and processes in models of insomnia: A systematic reviewLink opens in a new window. Journal of Sleep Research, e13923.
Wed 26 Jul 2023, 12:46 | Tags: paper, sleep

Warm congratulations to Dr Latini!

Pleased to announce that Elettra passed her PhD viva with flying colours yesterday! Very well done - time to celebrate Dr Latini!

Fri 09 Jun 2023, 14:16 | Tags: PhD, student, people

Our JAMA paper on opioid reduction is out!

Wed 24 May 2023, 09:39 | Tags: paper, chronic pain

Winning Video 2023

In the Sleep and Health (PS362) third year undergraduate module this year, groups of students were asked to produce a three-minute educational video explaining the fancy science behind a sleep-related topic to the general public.

The following group has the winning entry:

by Hannah Colley, Millie Haslam and Gabriella Bishop
Very well done. Congratulations!

Tue 23 May 2023, 12:10 | Tags: PS362, videos

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