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Prof Tang talks to BBC Future about sleep

Need a good night's sleep? Try changing how you think about it

Our hectic modern lives can often leave us feeling sleep-deprived, but what if much of a good night's sleep was down to our state of mind?

Interviewed and written by Amanda Ruggeri for BBC Future

Tue 15 Oct 2024, 09:31 | Tags: BBC, media, news, sleep

European Sleep Research Society ECR Network

Congrats to Michaela and Monisha for being successfully vote to be part of hte ESRS early career network committee! Great to have your energy and new perspective represented in our profession.

Wed 25 Sept 2024, 09:30 | Tags: sleep, student

International Summit on Chronic Insomnia Disorder

Professor Tang addresses the International Summit on Chronic Insomnia Disorder organised by Scuola di Psicoterapia Cognitiva. Her talk will focus on cognitive models of insomnia.

Thu 30 May 2024, 11:57 | Tags: sleep, Talk

Sleep for multimodal lifestyle intervention for chronic pain

Find out more our thinking on the importance of sleep, in shifting the chronic pain treatment paradigm from tissue- and disease-based approach to multimodal lifestyle interventions. See our Editorial appearing in the Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, led by Prof Dr Jo Nijs at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.


Wed 06 Mar 2024, 15:41 | Tags: chronic pain, paper, sleep

Current sleep interventions for shift workers

A mini review led by Dr. Amber Tout is now published in Frontiers in Sleep. We reviewed a variety of strategies that have been employed to help manage the impacts of shift work on sleep, including: CBT-i, adjusting shift schedules, controlled light exposure, sleep hygiene education, planned napping, caffeine consumption, and mind-body interventions (e.g., yogic relaxation).

Wed 06 Mar 2024, 15:30 | Tags: paper, sleep

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