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Personal Injury Draft Timetable

UK civil law: epidemiology and statistics in personal injury cases. Draft programme
Venue: Lecture Theatre A, 40 George Square, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH8 9LX.
Day 1 27/06/24    
Time Activity Speakers (tbc) Topic
9:30 Registration and coffee   Participants will provide a one page summary of their background and interests
10:00 Welcome Jane Hutton, Hugh Olson  
10:15 Introductions All One minute on background and most important topic
10:45 Presentation His Honour Judge Teague, KC Interactions between statistical and judicial reasoning
11:15 Presentation Michaela Guthrie, Balfour + Manson LLP, Edinburgh A solicitor's view of statistical experts in personal injury cases.
12:00 Presentation Professor John Norrie FRSE Epidemiology and statistics in risk assessment for civil litigation
12:45 Presentation Astrid Smart, KC, Compass Chambers, Edinburgh An advocate's view of statistical experts in personal injury cases.


2:00 Presentation Professor Richard Goldberg

Vaccine Liability: weighing risks and benefits

2:45 Discussion All List the main issues arising from first talks, choose case studies
3:15 Case studies Four groups of six to eight people Critique of example expert witness reports.
4:15 Refreshments    
4:45 Feedback Four nominees. 10 minutes per group
5:30 Break    
6:45 Dinner   Further discussions.
9:00 End of day   Most likely further discussions in suitable surroundings
  Venue: Faculty of Advocates Mackenzie Building, 172 Old Assembly Close, High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1QX.
Day 2 28/6/24    
9:00 Presentation Professor Tim Cole FMedSci Age assessment in unaccompanied asylum-seeking children
9:45 Presentation Michael Rawlinson, KC Filling the void: the role of epidemiology in helping to prove causation in law
10:30 Refreshments    
11:00 Presentation Professor Jane L Hutton Statistical concerns: data sources, quality and analysis; communication challenges
11:45 Discussion Four groups of six to eight people Topics arising from case studies and further talks.
12:45 lunch    
1:30 Presentation Professor Niamh Nic DaƩid FRSE Overview of Royal Society, Royal Society of Edinburgh judicial primer
1:50 Presentation Dr Amy Wilson Overview of Inns of Court College of Advocates and RSS advocates primer
2:15 Discussion Groups of six to eight people Evaluation of primers, recommendations for updates.
3:15 Presentation Panel discussion Overview of workshop from legal and statistical perspectives
4:00 Discussion All Plans for future work
4:30 End