Sample Lecture
The following video provides a sample university lecture. The video presents the material assuming no more than A-level knowledge. If you wish to follow along and complete the notes then you can download a booklet in PDFLink opens in a new window or Word formatLink opens in a new window (adapted from PDF).
The lecture presents a famous problem in probability that has become more widely known due to numerous YouTube videos. Key ideas in this lecture include probability, conditional probability, conditional expectation and Markov chains. In your course, you will explore the idea raised in this video in years 1 and 2 through modules including ST115 Introduction to ProbabilityLink opens in a new window, ST116 Mathematical Techniques, MA106 Linear AlgebraLink opens in a new window, ST202 Stochastic ProcessesLink opens in a new window and ST218 Mathematical Statistics ALink opens in a new window. One application of Markov chain is machine learning and you can explore this through year 3 modules, for example, Mathematics of Machine LearningLink opens in a new window.
We hope that the lecture shows you how more exploratory questions open your mind to the amazing possibilities that a degree with us hold.
(Note, subtitles are included and can be turned on or off using the video controls.)
If you wish to explore Wolfram Alpha (see approximately 29.50 in the video) in more depth, you can access one of the calculations.
We also provide solutionsLink opens in a new window to the challenge questions.