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Statistics Course Handbooks

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Each Academic Department is responsible for maintaining the definitive version of the Course Specifications (previously called Course Regulations) on their own website. By definition, the Course Specifications (Course Regulations) must provide the following information:

  • Core / Required Core / Optional modules by year of study and the credit weighting of each module
  • Required total credits to be taken by year of study (e.g., 120 credits in each of years 1, 2 and 3 respectively)

  • The relative credit weighting across the years of study for the final degree classification

  • Modules that are required for progression or Award
  • Guidance on optional module selection (e.g., how many to be selected and whether these are restricted to a defined list or department; list of modules for the current academic year; signposting to the module catalogue)
  • Required total credits to be taken by year of study (e.g., 120 credits in each of years 1, 2 and 3 respectively)
  • Credit weightings by years of study towards final degree classification
  • Progression Requirements for each year and links to the relevant regulations
  • Specific requirements for award of sub-qualifications or exit awards (e.g., Pass Degree at Bachelor’s level or PG Diploma or PG Award at Master’s level; UG exit awards as per course forms or institutional awards)
  • The relevant examination conventions for each course.

Module choice guidance and important information.

  • Unusual optionsLink opens in a new window guidance is available including languages, global sustainable development (GSD), IATL modules.
  • In partnership with students the department and SSLC have prepared a module choice guidance booklet covering module choice and degree routes based on individual interests.
  • Your course handbook contains the list of core and optional modules, including requirements on core and optional modules.
  • Pre-registration is required for economics (EC), Warwick Business School (IB) and some Statistics (ST) and some external modules.
    • Economics pre-registration was circulated to all students in Term 2 and a drop-in session was provided by economics. Pre-registration closed Friday Week 2 Term 3.
    • Warwick Business School has prepared information regarding pre-registrationLink opens in a new window.
    • Details of ST module pre-registration are listed on the individual moduleLink opens in a new window pages. Pre-registration does not open until after results publication in July.
    • The Unusual optionsLink opens in a new window page contains information regarding language, GSD and IATL module pre-registration. The yearly module fair provides the opportunity to meet representatives from these departments.
    • If you do not pre-register, then you may not be able to take a particular module.

2024–25 Course Handbooks

  • The modules listed in these handbooks are those available in the 2024–25 academic year.
  • Those modules listed in the 2023–24 course handbooks must not be considered the definitive list of modules for future years.
  • There are two sets of handbooks, one for those commencing their studies in 2022–23 or later and one set for those that started their programme before 2022–23. If you took a period of temporary withdrawal or resit without residence, then you are governed by the regulations in force at the time your commenced your course in this department and the modules available to you are listed in the for the cohort you are studying with.
  • Please note that pre-printed versions of the Course Handbooks cannot be updated to reflect changes to the regulations. Therefore, only the online version of the Course Handbooks (available when you are signed in) can be considered to be the definitive version of the Course Regulations.

Handbooks for students who started in 2022/23 or later

These handbooks are for students that started Year 1 in or after the 2022/23 academic year. Please note that these pre-printed versions of the Course Handbooks are produced prior to the commencement of the academic year and cannot be updated to reflect changes to the regulations. Therefore, only the online version of the Course Handbooks (available when you are signed in) can be considered to be the definitive version of the Course Regulations.

The intercalated Year Handbook, Handbook for External Students taking ST Modules and handbooks for those who commenced their degrees before 2022/23 are only available to members of the university and you must sign-in to view these.