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CRiSM Seminar - Carlos Carvalho (UT Austin), Andrea Riebler (Norwegian University of Science & Technology)

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Location: D1.07 (Complexity)

Carlos Carvalho, (The University of Texas)

Decoupling Shrinkage and Selection in Bayesian Linear Models: A Posterior Summary Perspective
Selecting a subset of variables for linear models remains an active area of research. This article reviews many of the recent contributions to the Bayesian model selection and shrinkage prior literature. A posterior variable selection summary is proposed, which distills a full posterior distribution over regression coefficients into a sequence of sparse linear predictors.

Andrea Riebler, (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Projecting cancer incidence and mortality: Bayesian age-period-cohort models ready for routine use
Projections of age-specific cancer data are of strong interest due to demographical changes, but also advances in medical diagnosis and treatment. Although Bayesian age-period-cohort (APC) models have been shown to be beneficial compared to simpler statistical models in this context, they are not yet used in routine practice. Reasons might be two-fold. First, Bayesian APC models have been criticised for producing too wide credible intervals. Second, there might be a lack of sound and at the same time easy-to-use software. Here, we address both concerns by introducing efficient MCMC-free software and showing that probabilistic forecasts obtained by the Bayesian APC model are well calibrated. We use hitherto annual lung cancer data for females in five different countries and omit the observations from the last 10 years. Consequently, we compare the yearly predictions with the actual observed data based on the absolute error and the continuous ranked probability score. Further, we assess calibration of one-step-ahead predictive distributions.

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