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On the ergodic behaviour of affine Volterra processes; Alex Pannier, (LPSM Paris)

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Location: B3.02 and via Teams

Abstract: We show the existence of a stationary measure for a class of multidimensional stochastic Volterra systems of affine type. These processes are in general not Markovian, a shortcoming which hinders their large-time analysis. We circumvent this issue by lifting the system to a measure-valued stochastic PDE introduced by Cuchiero and Teichmann, whence we retrieve the Markov property. Leveraging on the associated generalised Feller property, we extend the Krylov-Bogoliubov theorem to this infinite-dimensional setting and thus establish an approach to the existence of invariant measures. We present concrete examples, including the rough Heston model from Mathematical Finance.

Unless otherwise specified, in Term 2 and Term 3, the Stochastic Finance seminar takes place on Wednesdays, starting at 11:00 am.

While the seminars will run in person, there is also the possibility to join via MS Teams. If you wish to be added to the respective Team, please contact the seminar organiser Miryana GrigorovaLink opens in a new window.

All are welcome.

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