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Fri 10 Feb, '12
Statistical Theory Reading Group
Mon 13 Feb, '12
MASDOC Seminars
Tue 14 Feb, '12
Young Researchers Meeting
C0.06, Common Rm
Wed 15 Feb, '12
Admission Interviews
Wed 15 Feb, '12
Probability Forum
B3.01 (Maths)
Wed 15 Feb, '12
Midlands Probability Theory Seminar
Thu 16 Feb, '12
Neuroimaging Statistics Group
Thu 16 Feb, '12
FEYNMAN Reading Group
Thu 16 Feb, '12
CRiSM Seminar - Yee Whye Teh

Yee Whye Teh (Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, UCL)

A Bayesian nonparametric model for genetic variations based on fragmentation-coagulation processes

Hudson's coalescent with recombination (aka ancestral recombination
graph (ARG)) is a well accepted model of genetic variation in
populations. With growing amounts of population genetics data, demand
for probabilistic models to analyse such data is strong, and the ARG
is a very natural candidate. Unfortunately posterior inference in the
ARG is intractable, and a number of approximations and alternatives
have been proposed. A popular class of alternatives are based on
hidden Markov models (HMMs), which can be understood as approximating
the tree-structured genealogies at each point of the chromosome with a
partition of the observed haplotypes. However due to the way HMMs
parametrize partitions using latent states, they suffer from
significant label-switching issues affecting the quality of posterior

We propose a novel Bayesian nonparametric model for genetic variations
based on Markov processes over partitions called
fragmentation-coagulation processes. In addition to some interesting
properties, our model does not suffer from the label-switching issues
of HMMs. We derive an efficient Gibbs sampler for the model and report
results on genotype imputation.

Joint work with Charles Blundell and Lloyd Elliott

Fri 17 Feb, '12
Applied Maths/Stats Seminars
B3.02 (Maths)
Fri 17 Feb, '12
Probability Reading Group
Fri 17 Feb, '12
Computational Algorithm Reading Group
Fri 17 Feb, '12
Statistical Theory Reading Group
Mon 20 Feb, '12
MASDOC Seminars
Tue 21 Feb, '12
Young Researchers Meeting
C0.06, Common Rm
Wed 22 Feb, '12
Admission Interviews
Wed 22 Feb, '12
Research Committee Mtg
Wed 22 Feb, '12
Probability Forum
B3.01 (Maths)
Wed 22 Feb, '12
Stochastic Finance Reading Group
B3.02 (Maths)
Thu 23 Feb, '12
Neuroimaging Statistics Group
Thu 23 Feb, '12
FEYNMAN Reading Group
Fri 24 Feb, '12
Applied Maths/Stats Seminars
B3.02 (Maths)
Fri 24 Feb, '12
Probability Reading Group
Fri 24 Feb, '12
Computational Algorithm Reading Group
Fri 24 Feb, '12
Statistical Theory Reading Group
Mon 27 Feb, '12
MASDOC Seminars
Tue 28 Feb, '12
SF@W Seminars
Tue 28 Feb, '12
Young Researchers Meeting
C0.06, Common Rm
Wed 29 Feb, '12
Admission Interviews
Wed 29 Feb, '12
Probability Forum
B3.01 (Maths)
