Term 1 | |||
date | speakers | title/paper | comments |
Fri, Oct 8, 2010 | Krys | M. Girolami and B. Calderhead "Riemann manifold Langevin and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods" |
link to the paper [pdf] |
Fri, Oct 15, 2010 | Krys | Girolami & Calderhead continued | |
Fri, Oct 22, 2010 | Murray | Introduction to particle filters | notes [pdf] (by Murray Pollock) |
Fri, Nov 6, 2010 | Daniel | K. Kalogeropoulos, G. Roberts, P Delaportas "Inference for Stochastic Volatility Models using Time Change Transformations" Ann. Stat. 2010, 38(2), 784-807 |
link to the paper [pdf] |
Fri, Nov 13, 2010 |
Krys | O. Stramer, G. Roberts "On inference for partially observed nonlinear diffusion models using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm".Biometrika 88 (2001), no. 3, 603–621 | link to thearticle in journal |
Fri, Nov 20, 2010 |
Krys | K. Kalogeropoulos, G. Roberts, P Delaportas "Inference for Stochastic Volatility Models using Time Change Transformations" Ann. Stat. 2010, 38(2), 784-807 |
link to the paper [pdf] |
Fri, Dec 3, 2010 | Christiane | Golightly, A; Wilkinson, D. J. "Bayesian inference for nonlinear multivariate diffusion models observed with error." Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 52 (2008), no. 3, 1674–1693. |
link to the paper [pdf] room change:seminar in the Statistics Common Room |
Term 2 | |||
Fri, Jan 14, 2011 | Alex | Roberts, G. O.; Gelman, A.; Gilks, W. R. "Weak convergence and optimal scaling of random walk Metropolis algorithms" Ann. Appl. Probab. 7 (1997), no. 1, 110–120. |
link to the paper [pdf] |
Fri, Jan 21, 2011 | Kasia | Exact AlgorithmsAlexandros Beskos, Omiros Papaspiliopoulos, Gareth O. Roberts "A factorisation of diffusion measure and finite sample path constructions" www.springerlink.com/content/ ![]() "Exact and computationally efficient likelihood-based estimation for discretely observed diffusion processes" http://onlinelibrary.wiley. ![]() |
room change: A1.01 |
Fri, Jan 28, 2011 | Dalia | Inverting 2-D photos into densities in 3-D The pursuit of the intrinsic material density in $\mathbb[R}^3$, given the available two dimensional image of the system, is commonly encountered in different areas of applied physics and is an integral step in astronomical modelling. The problem will be briefly discussed within the paradigm of integral equations. In the presence of density heterogeneities, this inverse problem is, however, ill-posed, unless extra information - in terms of measurements in addition to a single image - are made available. Such measurements sometimes constitute imaging the system at different viewing angles or when multiple viewing is impossible (as in astronomy), ancillary data are invoked. Modelling of such data (Paneratos 2009, Chakrabarty 2008,2010), will be discussed. Discussion of a new non-invasive methodology that attempts the estimation of the multi-modal 3-D density of material samples imaged by electron scattering techniques, without resorting to multiple viewing, will be included. |
Fri, Feb 4, 2011 | Adam Johansen | Sequential Monte Carlo without State Space ModelsThe task of sampling from from a sequence of distributions arises naturally in many context within statistics and related fields. In some settings in which a single distribution is of interest it can also be useful to construct an artificial sequence which forms a bridge from a simple distribution to a more complicated distribution of interest. Sequential Monte Carlo provides a convenient framework in which importance sampling and resampling can be used to provide properly weighted samples from each distribution within a sequence. Some illustrative examples will be discussed if time permits.The ideas presented will focus on: "Sequential Monte Carlo Samplers", P. Del Moral, A. Doucet & A. Jasra, J. Royal Statist. Soc. /B, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 411-436, 2006. Pdf <http://www.cs.ubc.ca/% ![]() <http://www.cs.ubc.ca/% ![]() |
Fri, Feb 18, 2011 | Chris Jewell | MCMC in Practice: Bayesian computation for the real world | |
Fri, Feb 25, 2011 | Krys | Markov chain CLTs and asymptotic confidence intervals for MCMC estimation. I will show two approaches to the Markov chains CLT proof, one by the Poisson equation and martingale approximation and one by regeneration. Only the the most regular cases will be presented. Then I will briefly discuss CLT based asymptotic confidence intervals in MCMC estimation. related papers are: - Roberts, Gareth O.; Rosenthal, Jeffrey S. General state space Markov chains and MCMC algorithms. Probab. Surv. 1 (2004), 20-71 - Hobert, James P.; Jones, Galin L.; Presnell, Brett; Rosenthal, Jeffrey S. On the applicability of regenerative simulation in Markov chain Monte Carlo. Biometrika 89 (2002), no. 4, 731-743. - Jones, Galin L.; Haran, Murali; Caffo, Brian S.; Neath, Ronald Fixed-width output analysis for Markov chain Monte Carlo. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 101 (2006), no. 476, 1537-1547. - Häggström, Olle; Rosenthal, Jeffrey S. On variance conditions for Markov chain CLTs. Electron. Comm. Probab. 12 (2007), 454-464 - Bednorz, Witold; Łatuszyński, Krzysztof; Latała, Rafał A regeneration proof of the central limit theorem for uniformly ergodic Markovchains. Electron. Commun. Probab. 13 (2008), 85-98. |
room change: B3.03 (Maths) |
Fri, March 4, 2011 | Kasia | Roberts, G. & Tweedie, R. Exponential convergence of Langevin distributions and their discrete approximations Bernoulli, 1996, 2, 341-363 http://www.jstor.org/pss/3318418 |
Fri, March 11, 2011 | seminar cancelled-> see instead AMSTAT seminar poster session starting from 10am in "the street" - atrium where the main entrance to the maths part of the building is. | ||
Fri, March 18, 2011 | Alex | Joulin, A. & Ollivier, Y. Curvature, concentration, and error estimates for Markov chain Monte Carlo The Annals of Probability, 2010, 38, 2418-2442 http://www-gmm.insa-toulouse.fr/~ajoulin/publications/joulin_ollivier.pdf |
Fri, March 25, 2011 | Giorgos Sermaidis (Lancaster) | MCMC for exact inference for diffusionshttp://arxiv.org/pdf/1102.5541![]() |
Fri, April 1, 2011 | Peter Windridge | Mixing times, cutoff and critical slowdown of certain MCMC algorithms for the Ising model.The focus will be Lubetzky/Sly's recent result http://arxiv.org/abs/1001.1613 ![]() |
Fri, April 8, 2011 | Peter Windridge | will continue | |
Term 3 | |||
Fri, May 6, 2011 | |||
Fri, May 13, 2011 | Sebastian | Hairer, M.; Stuart, A.; Voss, J. & Wiberg, P. Analysis of SPDEs arising in path sampling. Part I: The Gaussian case Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 2005, 3, 587-603 http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/math/pdf/0601/0601095v1.pdfHairer, M.; Stuart, A. & Voss, J. Analysis of SPDEs arising in path sampling part II: The nonlinear case The Annals of Applied Probability, 2007, 17, 1657-1706 http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/math/pdf/0601/0601092v2.pdf |
2 hours session |
Fri, May 20, 2011 | Paul Schneider | DENSITY APPROXIMATIONS FOR MULTIVARIATE AFFINE JUMP-DIFFUSION PROCESSES http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1104/1104.5326v1.pdf |
Fri, May 27, 2011 | Alberto | Kantas, N.; Doucet, A.; Singh, S. & Maciejowski, J. An overview of sequential Monte Carlo methods for parameter estimation in general state-space models http://publications.eng.cam.ac.uk/16156/1/sysid09_final_normal_format.pdf |
Fri, June 10, 2011 | |||
Fri, June 17, 2011 | Sebastian | Non-asymptotic mixing of the MALA algorithm Martin Hairer, N. Bou-Rabee and E. Vanden-Eijnden. http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1008/1008.3514v1.pdf |
A1.01 |
???, ???, 2011 | Alberto | continues on Kantas, N.; Doucet, A.; Singh, S. & Maciejowski, J. An overview of sequential Monte Carlo methods for parameter estimation in general state-space models http://publications.eng.cam.ac.uk/16156/1/sysid09_final_normal_format.pdf |
A1.01 |