R Dev Day @ RSE Con25
Date: Friday 12 September
Time: 09:00 - 17:00
Venue: TBC, Warwick University
This hackathon-style event is an opportunity to collaborate on contributions to R, the widely used software environment for data science. Working in small groups, participants will analyse/propose fixes for bugs in the code or documentation of R (the base/recommended packages or the Windows/macOS GUIs); add/update translations of messages from English to other languages, or improve contributor infrastructure such as the R Dev Container (a Docker container providing an environment for R development) or the R Dev Guide (a Quarto-based online book). Participants will be selected by application to balance across experience levels. Thanks the R Dev Day sponsor, EPSRC, full scholarships supporting travel to both RSECon25 and R Dev Day are available for participants from the Global South, while partial scholarships supporting travel to the R Dev Day are available for participants from the UK and Europe. New and experienced contributors from any country are welcome to apply for a place at the R Dev Day!
There is no charge to attend R Dev Day @ RSECon25. Catering will be provided from evening meal on Thursday 11 September to optional evening meal on Friday 12 September.
As part of the application, you will be considered for the following travel scholarships, with priority given to applicants working in a research software engineering role:
- Partial scholarship (UK/Europe). This will cover economy travel to Coventry, plus on-campus accommodation on Thursday 11 September and optionally on Friday 12 September. Applicants must be resident in a European country that is not subject to UK sanctions.
- Full scholarship (Global South). This will cover an economy flight to the UK, on-campus accommodation as required from Sunday 7 September (arrival) to Saturday 13 September (departure). Efforts will be made to reimburse visa costs, subject to an individual budget cap. Applicants must be resident in the Global South, defined here as a developing economy outside Europe that is eligible for World Bank lending. The country must not be subject to UK sanctions.
Scholarship recipients wishing to attend RSECon25 must pay for registration and any additional accommodation beyond that covered by the scholarship. RSECon25 are offering a limited number of free conference registrations as part of their bursary scheme which opens Monday April 21. On-campus co-working space will be arranged for any full scholarship recipients that are unable to attend RSECon25.
For queries, please contact h.turner.1@warwick.ac.uk.
R Dev Day Sponsor
Apply for a place at R Dev Day @ RSECon25 via the form below by midnight Wednesday 23 April 2025 (anywhere on earth).
We plan to notify applicants of the outcome by 1 May 2025.