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One World Approximate Bayesian Inference (ABI) Seminar

After 5 Seasons of the One World Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) SeminarLink opens in a new window, launched in April 2020 to gather members and disseminate results and innovation during those weeks and months under lockdown, we have now decided to launch a "new" seminar series, the One World Approximate Bayesian Inference (OWABI), to better reflect the broader interest and scope of this series, which goes beyond ABC. In particular, simulation-based inference and ML related techniques will have a particular role.

Feel free to contact any of the organisers if you want to suggest yourself or someone else for a talk.

How it works and mailing list

All webinars will be held on Zoom/MS Teams, with a link shared on the email sent via the mailing list. So if you are interested in the OWABI seminar and would like to hear from us monthly about the announced speaker, title and abstract and, most importantly, be able to join the talk, please register hereLink opens in a new window.

Season 6* -- 2024/2025

  Speaker Title Keywords Abstract Slides Video

11.00 am

 Ullrich KötheLink opens in a new window

Free-form flows for physics-informed generative modeling

Normalizing flows; physical-informed neural networks; simulation-based inference AbstractLink opens in a new window    


Jeremias KnoblauchLink opens in a new window

Post-Bayesian machine learning

Generalised Bayes; robustness; Bayesian machine learning

30.01.2025  Paul Bürkner Amortized Mixture and Multilevel Models

Amortized Bayesian Inference, Neural Posterior Estimation, Probabilistic Factorization


A recent monthly webinar

Other One World Seminars