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Postgraduate >> MSc fees and funding

The main source of information on fees and funding for the MSc/Diploma course is on the following page from the Postgraduate Study section of the University site:

University fees and funding page

The above-linked page also gives some information on living costs and childcare costs.

Prospective students who have not secured funding from another source can also apply for the Department of Statistics bursary.

Department of Statistics MSc Bursary

Two Department of Statistics bursaries are available for entry in October 2015. The bursaries will pay fees at the Home/EU rate £7,050 and a maintenance grant of £9,000.

If you wish to apply for the bursary, you must include a letter with your application, headed "Bursary application". The letter should explain in no more than 40 words why you wish to study for the MSc in Statistics, and your future career plans.

The Department reserves the right not to award the bursary.


Statistics postgraduate admissions office:
stats dot pg dot support at warwick dot ac dot uk