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P@W Young Researchers Workshop: Registration

Please read the following information regarding the cost of the workshop carefully before filling out the registration form below.

Who can apply?

Applications from postgraduate students, postdocs and other early stage career researchers will be considered.

Workshop fee

Without accommodation: £40
With accommodation (subsidised: up to twenty-five applicants): £120
With accommodation (non-subsidised): £320

What's included?

Without accommodation: The fee of £40 includes a meal on campus on Monday night, and a meal at the conference dinner on Thursday, as well as lunch on Monday to Thursday. You will be responsible for paying for your own dinner on Tuesday and Wednesday, and for your travel arrangements to the workshop. You will not be guaranteed a place until we receive your fee payment.

With accommodation: Twenty-five participants applying for accommodation will be charged the subsidised rate of £120; otherwise the charge will be £320. This includes four nights bed and breakfast (please send an enquiry if you require extra nights), as well as lunch and dinner on Monday to Thursday. You will be responsible for your travel arrangements to the workshop. You will not be guaranteed a subsidised place until we have received payment.

How to register

Please fill in the online form. Once this is completed, PhD students will be asked to arrange for their supervisors to send an email to confirming their status and giving approval to attend the workshop. We will send you notice of the workshop fee due when we receive your application, and your place will then be guaranteed on receipt of payment.


You may apply to attend the workshop at any time before 20 July 2012, though it would help our arrangements if you apply as soon as possible. (In particular, we might not be able to arrange accommodation at short notice.)

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 23-27 July 2012

Supported by:
Warwick Institute of Advanced Study
Warwick Statistics