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Professor Keith R Abrams

I am Professor of Statistics & Data Science in the Department of Statistics and Adjunct Professor of Biostatistics in Warwick Medical School (WMS) at the University of Warwick, and am a NIHR Senior Investigator Emeritus as well as being Honorary Professor in the Centre for Health Economics at the University of York. Prior to this I held academic positions at the University of Leicester, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and King's College London.


My research interests centre around the development, evaluation, application and translation of (Bayesian) statistical methods in Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and Health Data Science, more specifically;

  • Design & analysis of clinical trials – particularly methods for dealing with treatment switching & extrapolation
  • Evidence synthesis – particularly methods for dealing with; heterogeneity (statistical, clinical & methodological), Indirect Comparisons (IC)/Network Meta-Analysis (NMA) & inclusion of observational/Real World Evidence (RWE)
  • Methods for estimating comparative effectiveness using observational/non-randomised data in HTA
  • Disease natural history modelling particularly in rare and/or complex diseases (e.g. multi-morbidity)
  • Methods for the development of dynamic risk prediction models using linked exposure/biomarker and clinical outcome data obtained from Electronic Health Records (EHRs)

Current funded projects include;

  • NIHR HTA Programme - United Kingdom Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (UK TAVI) Trial
  • MRC/NIHR Methods Research Programme - Novel approaches of multi-parameter evidence synthesis and decision modelling for efficient evaluation of diagnostic health technologies in HTA decision making with use of electronic health records
  • NIHR RfPB Programme - wEight chanGes, caRdio-mEtabolic risks and morTality in patients with hyperthyroidism (EGRET): a CPRD–HES linked cohort study
  • NIHR i4i & OLS RWE Programme - Long-term health and economic impact of using digital tool Gro Health W8Buddy to support people accessing specialist weight management services
  • NIHR - NIHR Challenge: Maternity Inequalities West Midlands Collaboration
  • MRC/NIHR Methods Research Programme - Efficient and unbiased estimation in adaptive platform trials
  • EU Horizon - Real-world Evidence for Decisions in Diabetes (REDDIE)

  • NIHR i4i Programme - A novel bacterial electrophysiology method for rapid phenotypic antibiotic susceptibility testing of bacteria detected in clinical blood cultures


Email: Keith{dot}Abrams{at}

Tel: +44(0)2476 574 808 (internal 74808)

Office: 2.21 Mathematical Sciences Building (Main Campus)

Office Hours: 2024-25, Term 2

Please email to arrange a slot or use Tab above for a Personal Tutor Meeting.

On Study Leave: 30.06.25 to 05.01.26


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Linktree - krabrams

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ORCID-ID 0000-0002-7557-1567

GitHub - KeithRAbrams

ResearchGate - Keith R Abrams