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Dr Thomas Berrett


I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics, University of Warwick. Until July 2020, I was a postdoctoral researcher at CREST, ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de Paris supervised by Prof. Cristina Butucea. Until August 2019 I was postdoctoral researcher supervised by Prof. Richard J. Samworth, in the Statistical Laboratory, a subdepartment of the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics at the University of Cambridge, and was affiliated with the StatScale programme. I graduated with my PhD from the University of Cambridge in January 2018.

My research interests are mainly in developing statistical theory and methodology in nonparametric settings. Problems I have worked on include the estimation of entropy and other functionals, (conditional) independence testing and classification. I am also particularly interested in the application of nearest neighbour methods and permutation tests. Please see my personal webpage for more information and for a list of publications.

Contact Details

email: tom.berrett [@] warwick [DOT] ac [DOT] uk

office: D0.04, Zeeman Building

Office hours will be Tuesday 11:30am - 12:30pm and Thursdays 09:30am - 10:30am during term time. You can book an appointment using my booking system. Personal tutees must meet me within the first five weeks of each term -- meetings can be booked using my booking system.

Intercalated Years

In the academic year 2023/24 I am the Intercalated Year Coordinator. Please contact me if you are a current Warwick student interested in working in industry or studying abroad next year. There will be an information session at 4pm on Tuesday 5th December in MB2.22 and the application process for studying abroad will open soon after. This will be found here, and will close on Monday 8th January. Places available for the Department of Statistics are at:

  • TU Dresden (Germany)
  • The University of Ljubljana (Slovenia
  • The University of Hong Kong.

More information on university partners can be found from the Student Mobility team here.

Please consult the Intercalated Year Handbook for more information, or contact me if you cannot find what you need in the handbook. Useful information from Student Mobility can be found here. See here for a list of events run by Student Mobility.