Dr Teresa Brunsdon
I gained my first degree in Mathematics Sciences at Loughborough University and then went on to study an MSc in Applied Statistics at Southampton University. I stayed at Southampton to complete my PhD on Time Series Analysis of Compositional Data. After this I held a post as a post-doctoral research fellow on the use of Dynamic Factor Analysis and then a one-year Teaching fellowship. I joined Sheffield Hallam University (then Sheffield City Polytechnic) in September 1988. I worked there for 31 years, teaching statistics, data mining and data science before coming to the University of Warwick in September 2019.
I currently deliver:
Introduction to Statistical Practice (ST952): https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/statistics/currentstudents/modules/st952
and Designed Experiments (with Advanced Topics) (ST305/ST410): https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/statistics/currentstudents/modules/st305
Haddela, Prasanna, Laurence Hirsch, Teresa Brunsdon, and Jotham Gaudoin. ‘Human Friendliness of Classifiers: A Review’. In Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security, edited by Aboul Ella Hassanien, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, Satyajit Chakrabati, Abhishek Bhattacharya, and Soumi Dutta, 293–303. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2021.https://rdcu.be/c154wLink opens in a new window
Haddela P., Hirsch L., Brunsdon T., Gaudoin J. (2021) Use of Interpretable Evolved Search Query Classifiers for Sinhala Documents. In: Arai K., Kapoor S., Bhatia R. (eds) Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2020, Volume 1. FTC 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1288. Springer, Cham. Use of Interpretable Evolved Search Query Classifiers for Sinhala Documents
Baldwin, J., Brunsdon, T. M., Gaudoin, J., & Hirsch, L. (2018). Towards a Social Media Research Methodology:Defining Approaches and Ethical Concerns. SOTICS 2018,The Eighth International Conference on Social Media Technologies, Communication, and Informatics.
Hirsch, L., & Brunsdon, T. M. (2018). A comparison of Lucene search queries evolved as text classifiers. The Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence, 32:7-8,768-784, DOI: 10.1080/08839514.2018.1506972
Brunsdon, T. M., & Smith, T. M. F. (1998). The Time Series Analysis of Compositional Data. Journal of Official Statistics, 14(3), 237-253.
Smith, T. M. F. & Brunsdon, T. M. (1989). The Time Series Analysis of Compositional Data: In Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section, American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA (USA) pp26-32.
Smith, T. M. F. & Brunsdon, T. M. (1989). Time Series Analysis for Small Areas. Symposium on small area statistics at Burea of Statistics, Oslo
Brunsdon, T. M., & Skinner, C. J. (1987). Dynamic factor analysis: a review. European Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Twente, Netherlands.
Brunsdon, T. M., & Skinner, C. J. (1987). The analysis of dependencies between time series in psychological experiments. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 40(2), 125-139.
Brunsdon, T. M., & Skinner, C. J. (1987). The choice of time interval for analysing dependencies between time series in psychological experiments. European Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Twente, Netherlands.
Smith, T. M. F. & Brunsdon, T. M. (1987). The Analysis of Compositional Data. Contributed Papers, 46th Session of International Statistical Institute. 417-418.
Brunsdon, T.M.(1997) Unpublished PhD thesis Time Series Analysis of Compositional Data, University of Southampton, Thesis LinkLink opens in a new window
email: teresa(dot)Brunsdon 'at' warwick(dot)ac(dot)uk
Telephone: 024 7657 2861
Office location: MSB 2.11, map
Office Hours*:
Tuesday | 11.30 p.m.-12.30 p.m. |
Wednesday | 12:30 a.m.-13:30 p.m. |
* I try to avoid scheduling meetings during these times but sometimes they are scheduled for me. If I do have a meeting during these times I will put a note on my door. Please email me in advance to check.
Postal Address:
Dr. T.M. Brunsdon
Dept of Statistics
University of Warwick
Coventry, CV4 7AL
United Kingdom