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Dr Paul Chleboun

My research interests lie in probability theory, mathematical physics and scientific computing. More specifically, my main research focus is on Markov processes called interacting particle systems. In particular their dynamics, such as mixing times, relaxation toward equilibrium and metastability.

ORICD profile


Office hours:

Please feel free to drop by my office on the fourth floor of the mathematical sciences building if you want a meeting, I will try to be available in the office at the times below during term time. If possible, please send me an email before attending office hours.

  • Monday 11:30-12:30
  • Friday 14:30-15:30

If you want to just give me a call on Teams. If I am already in a call then drop me a message by email or in Teams chat and I will call you back.


A list of almost all my papers can also be found on arXiv.

Research Events


Office MSB4.09
Department of Statistics
University of Warwick
Coventry, CV4 7AL
United Kingdom


Paul.I.Chleboun at