Dr Paul Chleboun
My research interests lie in probability theory, mathematical physics and scientific computing. More specifically, my main research focus is on Markov processes called interacting particle systems. In particular their dynamics, such as mixing times, relaxation toward equilibrium and metastability.
- (2023/24) ST229 Probability for Mathematical Statistics
- (2019-'22) ST318: Probability Theory
Office hours:
Please feel free to drop by my office on the fourth floor of the mathematical sciences building if you want a meeting, I will try to be available in the office at the times below during term time. If possible, please send me an email before attending office hours.
- Monday 11:30-12:30
- Friday 14:30-15:30
If you want to just give me a call on Teams. If I am already in a call then drop me a message by email or in Teams chat and I will call you back.
A list of almost all my papers can also be found on arXiv.
- Mixing Times for the Facilitated Exclusion Process, with J. Ayre (2024)
- Size-biased diffusion limits and the inclusion process, with S. Gabriel, and S. Grosskinsky (2023)
- Poisson-Dirichlet asymptotics in condensing particle systems, with S. Gabriel, and S. Grosskinsky, Electron. J. Probab. 27:1-35 (2022).
- Adversarial Patrolling in a Uniform, with S. Alpern, and S. Katsikas, Operations Research 70(1):129-140 (2021)
- Cutoff for the Square Plaquette Model on a Critical Length Scale, with A. Smith, Ann. Appl. Probab. 31(2): 668-702 (2020).
- Structure of the condensed phase in the inclusion process, with S. Grosskinsky and W. Jatuviriyapornchai, J. Stat. Phys. 178, 682-710 (2020)
- Mixing of the Square Plaquette Model on a Critical Length Scale, with A. Smith, Electron. J. Probab. 25: 1-53 (2020).
- Current large deviations for partially asymmetric particle systems on a ring, with S. Grosskinsky and A. Pizzoferrato, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 51, 405001 (2018).
- Mixing length scales of low temperature spin plaquettes models, with A. Faggionato, F. Martinelli, and C. Toninelli, J. Stat. Phys. 169(3), 441-471 (2017)
- Lower current large deviations for zero-range processes on a ring, with S. Grosskinsky and A. Pizzoferrato, J. Stat. Phys. 167(1), 64-89 (2017)
- Monotonicity and Condensation in Homogeneous Stochastic Particle Systems, with T. Rafferty and S. Grosskinsky, Ann. I. H. Poincare 54(2), 790–818 (2018)
- Relaxation to equilibrium of generalized East processes on Zd: Renormalization group analysis and energy-entropy competition, with A. Faggionato and F. Martinelli, Ann. Probab. 44(3):1817-1863, (2016)
- Mixing time and local exponential ergodicity of the East-like process in Zd, with A. Faggionato and F. Martinelli, Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. 6.12(4):717-743 (2015)
- A dynamical transition and metastability in a size-dependent zero-range process, with S. Grosskinsky, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48(5) 055001 (2015)
- The influence of dimension on the relaxation process of East-like models, with A. Faggionato and F. Martinelli, EPL, 107 36002 (2014)
- Dynamics of condensation in the totally asymmetric inclusion process, with J. Cao and S. Grosskinsky, J. Stat. Phys. 155(3), 523-543 (2014)
- Condensation in stochastic particle systems with stationary product measures , with S. Grosskinsky, J. Stat. Phys. 154(1-2), 432-465 (2014)
- Time scale separation and dynamic heterogeneity in the low temperature East model, with A. Faggionato and F. Martinelli, Comm. Math. Phys. 328(2), 955-993 (2014)
- Mixing time bounds for oriented kinetically constrained spin models, with F. Martinelli, Electron. Comm. Probab. 18(60) (2013)
- Time scale separation in the low temperature East model: Rigorous results, with A. Faggionato and F. Martinelli, J. Stat. Mech. Theor. Exp. L04001 (2013)
- Condensation in randomly perturbed zero-range processes, with L.C.G del Molino and S. Grosskinsky, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 205001 (2012)
- Finite size effects and metastability in zero-range condensation, with S. Grosskinsky, J. Stat. Phys. 140(5), 846-872 (2010)
- Instability of condensation in the zero-range process with random interaction, with S. Grosskinsky and G.M. Schütz, Phys. Rev. E 78(3), 030101(R) (2008)
- Ab initio theory of temperature dependence of magnetic anisotropy in layered systems: Applications to thin Co films on Cu(100), with Á. Buruzs, P. Weinberger, L. Szunyogh, L. Udvardi, A. M. Fischer and J. B. Staunton, Phys. Rev. B 76(6), 064417 (2007)
Research Events
- Workshop Interacting Particle Systems and Hydrodynamic Limits. (14.03-28.03.2022) together with Alessandra Faggionato, Hubert Lacoin and Claudio Landim.
- Workshop Mathematics of kinetically constrained dynamics and metastability (04.01. – 08.01.2016) together with Stefan Grosskinsky and Fabio Martinelli.
- Workshop Glassy Systems and Constrained Stochastic Dynamics. (09.07 - 11.07.2014).
Office MSB4.09
Department of Statistics
University of Warwick
Coventry, CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
Paul.I.Chleboun at warwick.ac.uk