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Professor Bärbel Finkenstädt Rand

Office hours Term 2

Use 'book a personal tutor meeting' found at top left of this page to set up a meeting.

Week 1:

Tuesday 7 Jan: 10:30 - 11:30 and 13:00 - 14:00

Week 2:

Monday 13 Jan: 10:00 - 11:30
Wednesday 15 Jan: 13:00 - 14:00

From Week 3:

Mondays 10:00 - 11:30

Wednesdays 10:30 - 11:30

Note: All Personal Tutees are required to meet by end of week 5 (in-person only, Room MSB1.20).

About my research interests

I am generally interested in developing statistical methodologies (Bayesian, parametric and non-parametric) and filtering methods for State Space and Hidden Markov Models, change points, dynamic transitions between regimes, spectral analysis and other interesting time series methods of relevance to modelling oscillatory phenomena.

My research is driven by an enthusiasm for developing statistical methodologies so that they can lead to insight in science. I am in particular interested in the modelling of oscillatory phenomena in biology (epidemics, gene expression, molecular clocks, etc) by means of SDEs and in inferring these from temporal and/or spatio-temporal data (from single cells to meta-populations). I have worked in epidemiology (dynamics of infectious diseases), analytical population dynamics in ecology, transcriptional dynamics of genes and, more recently, large actigraphic data sets obtained from wearable devices.

In collaboration with members of the chronotherapy group at Warwick and University Paris Saclay, we are developing statistical methods for estimating parameters for quantifying the maintenance of a good circadian rhythm and computation of an individual’s circadian phase as reference point for chronotherapy, from telemonitoring circadian biomarkers, such as temperature and physical activity, with wearable sensing devices. The work addresses personalized medicine for cancer patients, and has broad implications for other scenarios where daily telemonitoring is of interest, and other diseases that benefit from chronotherapy.

Recent publications and preprints (since 2015)


email: B.F.Finkenstadt 'at'

Google Scholar
