Professor Jane Hutton
Room 2.05, Mathematical Sciences Building.
Telephone 024 7652 8357 Please leave a message, and I will receive a text within a few minutes.
Email: J.L.Hutton at
Expert witness enquiries: Please email
University of Warwick working hours: normally Tuesdays 12:00-16:30; Wednesdays Thursdays 9:00-16:30.
Royal Statistical Society Mardia Prize 2023: Statistics and the Law interdisciplinary workshops
International Biometric Society Rob Kempton Award 2016
Suffrage Science Maths and Computing Award 2016
Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award, 2013-2017
Commended by judging panel for The John Maddox Prize for Standing up for Science 2019: citation
Professor Jane Hutton works in interdisciplinary statistics, with special interests in survival analysis, meta-analysis and non-random data. Her collaborations in health and medicine began in 1983. Her methodological research largely focused on developing models to answer questions raised by health care colleagues, and patients. For example, collaborations with epilepsy specialists in meta-analyses led to papers on biases due to within study selection of outcomes and sub-groups, and to joint models for pre-randomisation seizure counts and post-randomised trials. Collaboration on a trial of ankle sprains has led to models for recovery rates with skew, bounded scores, with missing data. Professor Hutton also works at the interface between statistics and the law by providing expert witness reports and collaborating in providing educational material for legal professionals.
Professor Hutton's research has had impact through clinical guidelines and in legal cases. Work in epilepsy is cited in National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), SIGN and WHO guidance. Medico-legal cases have addressed life expectancy of people with cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury, and adverse effects of drugs. Expert witness reports have been provided for cases in Australia, Canada, Eire, Hong Kong, South Africa and the four countries of the United Kingdom. The total impact is at least £100 million.
Professor Hutton has written extensively on ethics and philosophy of statistics, in response to challenges arising from medical research and discussions with international statistical colleagues and philosophers. She has contributed to Research Council ethics guidelines, and Ethics in Mathematics 2, the second Cambridge meeting on Ethics in Mathematics.
Main collaborations
Professor Hutton has major collaborations in cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Her work with the late Professor Peter Pharoah and Dr Allan Colver, on life expectancy in cerebral palsy, has had a substantial effect on the size of awards in medico-legal cases. This work is widely cited nationally and internationally. In epilepsy, she has contributed to many Cochrane reviews of anti-epileptic drugs. She has worked with Professor Tony Marson, of Liverpool University Neurosciences Department, on various projects. Professor Marson and Hutton collaborated with Professor Jim Smith to explore the role of Chain Event Graphs in modeling and managing chronic diseases.
Dr Freedom Gumedze, of Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Cape Town, held a Newton Advanced Fellowship awarded by the Academy of Medical Sciences, 2016-2020. Professor Hutton was the UK co-applicant. Four statistics workshops have been held at the University of Cape Town. Dr Gumedze and Isaac Singini, one of Dr Gumedze's PhD students, have had research visits to Warwick Statistics.
External Roles
Professor Hutton is on the Royal Society panels for Newton Fellowships and Dorothy Hodgkin awards. She was a member of the Core Methodology Panel, National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), 2011-2015, and the Education Committee of the International Biometric Society, 2013-2014. She was a member of the NIHR TCC Fellowship Panel, 2011-2013; the selection committee for the Health Research Board in Ireland, 2012. She provides reviews for six of the eight UK Research Councils.
Professor Hutton assists with the Royal Statistical Society partnership between AIMS and RSS. She has taught at AIMS South Africa, AIMS Ghana, AIMS Tanzania and AIMS Cameroon. Reflections on her experiences and the opportunities are here.
She was an UCU appointed non-executive director, University's Superannuation Scheme, 2015-2019
Mail: Department of Statistics, Mathematical Sciences Building, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL
Tel: +44 (0)24 7652 8357 Fax: +44 (0)24 7652 4532
Email: J.L.Hutton 'at'
Full Curriculum Vitae
Brief expert witness C.V.
African Institute for Maths Sciences
The Rob Kempton Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Development of Biometry in the Developing World
Royal Society 25-26 March 2019