Dr Brett Kolesnik
University of Warwick
Department of Statistics
Office: Zeeman B0.17
Research: Probability theory.
Random structures, geometry, algorithms, processes, etc.
Interactions with combinatorics.
- Term 1:
ST323/412 Multivariate Statistics
ST921 Statistical Frontiers (Lecture 12) - Term 2:
ST924 Random Graphs
CV: I earned a PhD in Mathematics from the University of British Columbia, advised by Prof. Omer Angel in the UBC Probability Group. I then held an NSERC of Canada Postdoctoral Fellowship and Visiting Assistant Professorships at UC Berkeley and San Diego. Before arriving at Warwick, I was a Florence Nightingale Bicentennial Fellow in Statistics at the University of Oxford and a Senior Demy at Magdalen College.
BIRS BP: In April 2024, we organized a workshop on Bootstrap Percolation & its Applications at the Banff International Research Station (BIRS) together with József Balogh, Janko Gravner, Karen Gunderson and Rob Morris.
Coauthors: Daniel Ahlberg, David Aldous, Omer Angel, Eleanor Archer, Zsolt Bartha, Michal Bassan, Matthew Buckland, Serte Donderwinkel, Persi Diaconis, Janko Gravner, Ivailo Hartarsky, Gal Kronenberg, Grégory Miermont, Rivka Mitchell, Sam Olesker-Taylor, Tomasz Przybyłowski, Mario Sanchez, Bruno Schapira, Daniel Valesin, Nick Wormald
- Tournament score sequences, Erdős–Ginzburg–Ziv numbers, and the Lévy–Khintchine method
w/ Michal Bassan and Serte Donderwinkel
arXiv:2407.01411 - Graphical sequences and plane trees
w/ Michal Bassan and Serte Donderwinkel
arXiv: 2406.05110 - Catalan percolation
w/ Eleanor Archer, Ivailo Hartarsky, Sam Olesker-Taylor, Bruno Schapira and Daniel Valesin
arXiv:2404.19583 - Critical beta-splitting, via contraction
arXiv:2404.16021 - Asymptotics for Sinai excursions
w/ Serte Donderwinkel
arXiv:2403.12941 - Tournaments and random walks
w/ Serte Donderwinkel
arXiv:2403.12940 - Random walks on Coxeter interchange graphs
w/ Matthew Buckland, Rivka Mitchell and Tomasz Przybyłowski
Electronic Journal of Probability (to appear)
arXiv:2401.17210 - Coxeter interchange graphs
w/ Rivka Mitchell and Tomasz Przybyłowski
arXiv:2312.04532 - Coxeter tournaments
w/ Mario Sanchez
arXiv:2302.14002 - H-percolation with a random H
w/ Zsolt Bartha and Gal Kronenberg
Electronic Communications in Probability
arXiv:2312.03663 - Annihilating branching Brownian motion
w/ Daniel Ahlberg and Omer Angel
International Mathematics Research Notices
arXiv:2312.03669 - The asymptotic number of score sequences
- Large deviations of the greedy independent set algorithm on sparse random graphs
Random Structures & Algorithms
arXiv:2011.04613 - The geometry of random tournaments
w/ Mario Sanchez
Discrete & Computational Geometry
arXiv:2009.09322 - Weakly saturated random graphs
w/ Zsolt Bartha
Random Structures & Algorithms
arXiv:2007.14716 - Transitive closure in a polluted environment
w/ Janko Gravner
Annals of Applied Probability
arXiv:1910.01800 - Randomized sequential importance sampling for estimating the number of perfect matchings in bipartite graphs
w/ Persi Diaconis
Advances in Applied Mathematics
arXiv:1907.02333 - To stay discovered: On tournament mean score sequences and the Bradley–Terry model
w/ David Aldous
Stochastic Processes and their Applications
Special Issue: In Memoriam: Larry Shepp
arXiv:1811.06662 - The sharp K4-percolation threshold on the Erdős–Rényi random graph
Electronic Journal of Probability
arXiv:1705.08882 - Large deviations for subcritical bootstrap percolation on the Erdős–Renyi graph
w/ Omer Angel
Journal of Statistical Physics
arXiv:1705.06815 - Sharp thresholds for contagious sets in random graphs
w/ Omer Angel
Annals of Applied Probability
arXiv:1611.10167 - Stability of geodesics in the Brownian map
w/ Omer Angel and Grégory Miermont
Annals of Probability
arXiv:1502.04576 - Lower bounds for the isoperimetric numbers of random regular graphs
w/ Nick Wormald
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics