Dr Anastasia Mantziou
I am a Harrison Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics. Previously, I was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the Alan Turing InstituteLink opens in a new window under the economic networks and transaction data project, supervised by Gesine ReinertLink opens in a new window and Mihai CucuringuLink opens in a new window from the University of OxfordLink opens in a new window. Prior to my role at the Alan Turing Institute, I was a Research Assistant in statistical cyber-security at Imperial College LondonLink opens in a new window supervised by Nick HeardLink opens in a new window. I did my PhD in Statistics at Lancaster UniversityLink opens in a new window supervised by Simon Lunagomez,Link opens in a new windowRobin MitraLink opens in a new window and Paul FearnheadLink opens in a new window on Bayesian modelling for multiple network dataLink opens in a new window.
My research interests lie broadly in statistical analysis of networks. In particular, I have worked on statistical modelling of network populations, such as Bayesian model-based clustering of network populations, and network time series analysis. My research has been applied to networks emerging from various scientific fields such as neuroscience, ecology, economics, and computer science (human tracking systems). I have also worked on Bayesian topic modelling with applications in cyber-security.
Contact details
Office MB1.11
Department of Statistics
University of Warwick
Email: anastasia.mantziou@warwick.ac.uk
Office hour:
Tuesday 13:30-15:30 (In office or online MSTeams)
Please contact me via email if you need a meeting.