Professor Aleksandar Mijatovic
Aleks is a Professor of Probability at the Department of Statistics at the University of Warwick and Deputy Head of Department for Research. He is a Fellow of the The Alan Turing Institute.
Aleks was previously Chair in Probability at the Department of Mathematics of King's College LondonLink opens in a new window and Reader in Probability at the Mathematics Department of Imperial College LondonLink opens in a new window. Aleks obtained his Ph.D. in low-dimensional topology at the DPMMSLink opens in a new window and Trinity College CambridgeLink opens in a new window, before working in the City of London as a front-office quantitative analyst in Foreign Exchange derivatives markets. Aleks’ research interests include:
The webpage and Aleks' YouTube channel Prob-AM contain more information about the research of his group. Aleks' research interests include:
- Probability: stability of stochastic systems; invariance principles; local time; coupling; stochastic processes on manifolds; stochastic analysis for processes with and without jumps; Levy processes; random walks; Markov chains; branching; stochastic control & optimal stopping
- Numerical stochastics: simulation of processes with and without jumps; weak and strong approximations; Markov chain Monte Carlo; exact simulation; stochastic gradient descent
- Mathematical finance: risk management and price prediction; implied volatility surface; stochastic volatility models with jumps; arbitrage
Statistics: calibration and parameter estimation algorithms for continuous-time models using discrete observations; option price prediction; regularisation
Many of Aleks' papers are available on arXivLink opens in a new window. See also webpage and YouTube channel Prob-AM.
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