Selected Recent Papers, Research Reports and books since 2008
Papers currently arXived & Submitted
Statistics and Probability
Dawid, A.P., Dotto, F. ,Grave, M., Kadane, J.B., Montera, J., Robertson, G.. Smith, J.Q. & Wilson, A.L.(2024) "A Comparison of Graphical Method in the Case of the Murder of Meredith Kercher" arXiv 2403.16628 (invited revision submitted)
Decision Analysis and Engineering
Leonelli, M., & Smith, J.Q.(2024) "The diameter of a stochastic matrix: A new measure for sensitivity
analysis in Bayesian networks" arXiv (submitted)
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
2024 Refereed Publications
Statistics & Probability
Jewson, J. Smith, J.Q. & Holmes C. (2024) "On the Stability of General Bayesian Inference" arXiv Bayesian Analysis (to appear)
Drury, K. & Smith, J.Q.(2024) "Dynamic Bayesian Networks, Elicitation and Data Embedding for Secure Environments" DOI: opens in a new window. Entropy ( to appear)
Wilkerson, R.L.& Smith, J.Q. (2024) "Bayesian Diagnostics for Chain Event Graphs" arXiv, Bayesian Analysis (to appear)
Decision Analysis and Engineering
Yu, X. and Smith J.Q. (2024) "Causal chain event graphs for remedial maintenance". Risk Anal. 2024 Apr 23. doi: 10.1111/risa.14308. PMID: 38653954.
Dent CJ, Sanchez N, Shenvi, A, Smith, JQ, Wilson, AL & Yu,, X (2024) "Resource adequacy and Capacity Procurement: Metrics and Decision Support Analysis" J of Power and Energy (to appear)
2023 Refereed Publications
Statistics & Probability
Shenvi, A, Bunnin, FO & Smith, JQ (2023)" A Bayesian decision support system for counteracting activities of terrorist groups" Journal of the Royal Statistics Society Series A
Carter, J.S., Rossell, D. & Smith J. Q. (2023) "Partial correlation graphical LASSO" Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 51(1) DOI:10.1111/sjos.12675Link opens in a new window
Strong, P & Smith, JQ(2023) "Scalable Model Selection for Staged Trees: Mean-posterior Clustering and Binary Trees" Bayesian Statistics, New Generations New Approaches (pp.23-34) DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-42413-7_3
Decision Analysis and Engineering
(2023) "Using infinite server queues with partial information for occupancy prediction" Journal of the Operational Research Society, DOI: 10.1080/01605682.2023.2189002
2022 Refereed Publications
Statistics & Probability
Barons ,M. Fonseca T., Davies, A. & Smith, J.Q.(2022) "An Integrating decision support system for addressing food security in the UK" The Royal Statistical Society Series A, DOI: 10.1111/rssa.12771
Strong P., McAlpine, A. & Smith, J.Q. (2022) 'Towards A Bayesian Analysis of Migration Pathways using Chain Event Graphs of Agent Based Models' Proc of BaYSM
Decision Analysis and Engineering
2021 Refereed Publications
In Statistics & Probability
Bunnin, F.O. & Smith, J.Q. (2021) “A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Criminal Investigations” Bayesian Analysis :arXiv:1907.01894
Yu, X. & Smith, J.Q. (2021) "Causal Algebras on Chain Event Graphs with Informed Missingness for System Failure", Entropy, 23, 10, 1308
Bunnin, F.O. and Smith, J.Q. (2021) "A Bayesian Hierarchical Model of Violent Criminal Threat" Proceedings of the JMS 2021
In Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Perrone V., Palma, M., Hengchen S., Vatri A., Smith, J.Q., McGillivray, B. (2021) “Lexical Semantic Change for Ancient Greek and Latin" in "Computational approaches to semantic change" Eds. Tahmsasebi, N., Borin, L. Jatowt, A., Xu, Y. & Hengchen, S. Ch.9, p 287- 310 Language Science Press
In Decision Analysis
Wilkerson, R.L.& Smith, J.Q. (2021) "Customised Structural Elicitation" In Expert Judgement in Risk and Decision Analysis Eds. Bedford T., French, S. Hamea, A.M. & Nane. G.F. Springer p 83 -114 arXiv:1807.03693
(2021) "Safeguarding the nation’s digital memory: towards a Bayesian model of digital preservation risk, Archives and Records", 42:1, 58-78, DOI: 10.1080/23257962.2021.1873121
Strong, P. , Shenvi, A. Yu, X., Wynn, H.P., Papamichail, N. & Smith, J.Q. (2021) "Building a Bayesian Decision Support System for Evaluating COVID-19 Countermeasure Strategies" Journal of the Operations Research Society
2020 Refereed Publications
In Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Shenvi A. & Smith J.Q. (2020) “Constructing a Chain Event Graph from a Staged Tree." arXiv:2006.15857 Proc. of 10th European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models, Nov 2020.
In Decision Analysis
Leonelli, M., Riccomagno,E. & Smith,J.Q (2020) “Coherent combination of probabilistic outputs for group decision making: an algebraic approach” OR Spectrum Springer
Yu, X , Smith, JQ & Nichols, L (2020) "Bayesian Learning of Causal Relationships for System
Reliability" Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (ISRERM 2020), Beijing.
2019 Refereed Publications
In Statistics and Probability
Costa, L., Smith, J.Q. & Nichols, T. (2019) " A Group Analysis using the Multiregression Dynamic Models of fMRI networked time series " Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 198, 43 -61
Shenvi A., Smith J.Q., Walton R., Eldridge S. (2019) "Modelling with Non-stratified Chain Event Graphs". In: Argiento R., Durante D., Wade S. (eds) Bayesian Statistics and New Generations. BAYSM 2018. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 296. Springer, Cham.
In Decision Analysis
Levotin P., Walton, J.L., Auffer, L. Barons, M.J. ,Barons, E. French,S. Houssineau, J. Kleinberg, J. McBride, M. and Smith, J.Q. (2019) "Visualising Uncertainty: A short Introduction" Sad Press ISBN:978:1 -912802 -05 - 0
In Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Perrone, M. Palma, S.N Hengchen, A. Vatri, J.Q. Smith, B. McGillivray (2019) “GASC: Genre-Aware Semantic Change for Ancient Greek” Proceedings of LChange' 19
2018 Refereed Publications
In Statistics and Probability
Collazo, R.A., Gorgen, C & Smith, J.Q.(2018) "Chain Event Graphs" Chapman Hall February (229 pages)
Gorgen, C. & Smith, J.Q. (2018) "Equivalence classes of Staged Trees" Bernoulli, Vol. 24, No. 4A, 2676-2692.
Schwab S.,Harbord, R., Zerbi, V., Elliott, L; , Afyounis,S., Smith, J.Q., Woolrich, M.W., Smith, S.M. , Nichols, T.T (2018) "Directed functional connectivity using dynamic graphical models" NeuroImage, 175, 340 -353
Jewson, J., Smith, J.Q. & Holmes, C. (2018) "Principled Bayesian Minimum Divergence Inference" Entropy
In Decision Analysis
Edwards, E.A. Hope C., Jumsden, J; Rivas,C; Steed, E., Pirunsarn,Y. Jumbe,S., Newby,C,Shenvi,A ; Mazumdar, S. Smith, J.Q.;Greenhill,D.; Griffiths, C.J. Walton, R.T. (2018) "Creating a theoretically-grounded, gamified health app: lessons from developing the Cigbreak smoking cessation smartphone game" JMIR Serious Games
Barons M. J., Wright S. K. & Smith J. Q., (2018) "Eliciting Probabilistic Judgments for Integrating Decision Support Systems", in: Dias LC, Morton A, Quigley J (eds), Elicitation: The Science and Art of Structuring Judgement. Springer, New York, Chapter 17 p 445-478
Smith, J.Q. & Shenvi, A. (2018) "Assault Crime Dynamic Chain Event Graphs" Warwick Research Report (WRAP)
In Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Gorgen, C. , Bigatti,A. ,Riccomagno, E. & Smith,J.Q. (2018) "Discovery of statistical equivalence classes using computer algebra" International J. of Approximate Reasoning 95 . pp. 167-184. .doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2018.01.003
2017 Refereed Publications
In Statistics and Probability
Shiers, N., Aston J.A.D., Smith, J.Q. &Coleman, J.S. (2017) "Gaussian Tree Constraints applied to Acoustic Linguistic Functional Data" Journal of Multivariate Analysis vol 154 199 -215
Collazo, R.A. and Smith, J.Q.(2017) "The Dynamic Chain Event Graph" Proceedings of ISI Marrakech, 2017(to appear)
Costa, L, Smith, J.Q. & Nicholls, T, (2017) “Studying the Effective Brain Connectivity using the Multiregression Dynamic Models” Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Vol. 31, No. 4, 765-800.
In Decision Analysis & Operations Research
French,S. Haywood, S., Hort, M. & Smith J.Q.(2017) "Communicating Geographical Risks in Crisis Management" Risk Analysis available online October 17
Thwaites P.A. & Smith J.Q.(2017) "A Graphical method for simplifying Bayesian Games" Reliability Enginereering and System Safety (online:12-MAY-2017 DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2017.05.012
Gilbert, M., French,S & Smith, J.Q.(2017) "Influence of Group Members in Multi-Attribute Utilities" International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making (to appear)
Leonelli, M. & Smith, J.Q.(2017) "Directed Expected Utility Networks" Decision Analysis ISSN 1545-8490 (available online 10 May ISSN 1545-8504, pp 1-18)
In Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Leonelli, M. Roccomagno E., & Smith, J.Q. (2017) "A symbolic algebra for the computation of expected utilities in multiplicative influence diagrams" Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
Leonelli, M, Gorgen, C. & Smith, J.Q. (2017) "Sensitivity analysis in multilinear probabilistic models" Information Sciences 411 84 - 97
Thwaites, P.A. & Smith, J.Q. (2017) "A new method for tackling asymmetric decision problems" International J. of Approximate Reasoning
2016 Refereed Publications
In Statistics and Probability
Shiers , N. ,Zwiernik, P., Aston. J.A.D. & Smith, J.Q. (2016) "The Correlation Space of Latent Tree Models" [arXiv] Biometrika 103, (3) 531 -545
Collazo, R.A. & Smith, J.Q.(2016) "A new family of Non-local Priors for Chain Event Graph model selection" Bayesian Analysis 11, no 4, 1165 - 1201
Underhill, N.T. & Smith J.Q. (2016) "Context - dependent score based Bayesian information criteria" Bayesian Analysis 2016 Vol 11 no 4, pp 1005-1033
Oates, CJ. Smith, JQ. Mukherjee, S. & Cussens. J (2016) "Exact Estimation of Multiple Directed Acyclic Graphs". Statistics and Computing 26,4, 797 -811
In Decision Analysis & Operations Research
French,S. & Smith, J.Q.(2016) "Decision Analytic Framework for a Decision Support System for Nuclear Emergency Management " in UK Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics, Eds Aston, P.J., Mullholland, A.J. &Taut, K.M.M. Springer, 163 -171
French, S., N. Argyris, H. Layton, J. Q. Smith, S. M. Haywood & M. Hort (2016). "Presenting Uncertain Information in Radiological Emergencies". UK Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling Liaison Committee.
In Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Liverani, S. & J. Q. Smith. (2016) "Bayesian selection of graphical regulatory models". International J. of Approximate Reasoning, 77, 87–104. URL: doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2016.05.007
Oates CJ, Smith JQ, & Mukherjee S. (2016) Estimation of Causal Structure Using Conditional DAG Models. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(54):1−23. [arXiv] [Supplement]
Gorgen, C. & Smith, J.Q.(2016) "A Differential approach to Causality in Staged Trees" Proceedings of the Eighth European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models Switzaland September 2016.
2015 Refereed Publications
In Statistics and Probability
Barclay, L.M., R. Collazo, Smith, J.Q. Thwaites , P. & Nicholson , A. (2015) "Dynamic Chain Event Graphs" Electronic J of Statistics 2015, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2130-2169.
Costa L, Smith,J.Q. Nicholls, T. & Cussens J. (2015) "Searching Multiregression Dynamic Models of Resting-State fMRI Networks Using Integer Programming" Bayesian Analysis Vol. 10, No. 2, 441-478
Smith, J.Q., Barons, M.j. & Leonelli, M. (2015) "Decision focused inference on Networked Probabilistic Systems: with applications to food security" Proceeedings of the Joint Statistical Meeting, Seattle, August 2015
Gorgen,C., Leonelli. M & Smith J.Q.(2015) "A Differential Approach for Staged Trees" 13th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty July 2015 France
In Decision Analysis & Operations Research
Leonelli. M., & Smith J.Q. (2015) "Bayesian Decision Support for Complex Systems with Many Distributed Experts " Ann Oper Res 235 (1) 517 - 542
2014 Refereed Publications
In Statistics and Probability
Cowell, R.G. & Smith , J.Q. (2014) "Causal discovery through MAP selection of stratified chain event graphs" Electronic J of Statistics Vol.8, 965 - 997
Barclay, L.M., Hutton , J.L. & Smith, J.Q. (2014) "Chain Event Graphs for Informed Missingness" Bayesian Analysis, 9,1, 53-76
2013 Refereed Publications
In Decision Analysis & Operations Research
Dodd, L. & Smith, J.Q. (2013) "Devolving Command Decisions in Complex Operations" J. of the Operational Res. Soc. , 64, 17-33
Leonelli. M., & Smith J.Q. (2013) "Using Graphical Models and Multi-attribute Utility Theory for Probabilistic Uncertainty Handling in Large Systems" IEEE 29th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW), .181-192 ISBN: 978-1-4673-5303-82013
Leonelli. M. & Smith J.Q. (2013) "Dynamic Uncertainty Handling for Coherent Decision Making in Nuclear Emergency Response" CRiSM Res Rep and Proceedings of the 2013 Meeting of the American Nuclear Society Washington
In Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Barclay, L.M. , Hutton, J.L. & Smith, J.Q.(2013) "Refining a Bayesian Network using a Chain Event Graph" International J. of Approximate Reasoning 54, 1300-1309.
2012 Refereed Publications
In Statistics and Probability
Zwiernik, P. &Smith, J.Q. (2012) "Tree-cumulants and the identifiability of Bayesian tree models", Bernoulli 2012, Vol. 18, No. 1, 290-321.
Smith, J.Q. & Rigat, F. (2012) "Isoseparation and Robustness in Finite Parameter Bayesian Inference" Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics Vol.64 , 3, 495 -519
In Decision Analysis & Operations Research
Smith, J.Q. & Dodd L. (2012) "Regulating Autonomous Agents facing Conflicting Objectives: A Command and Control Example" Decision Analysis ,Vol 9. No. 2, 165 -171
In Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Shiers, N. & Smith, J.Q.(2012) "Graphical inequality diagnostics for phylogenetic trees" Proceedings of 6th European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models, Granada Spain, 19 -21 Sept 2012 pp. 291-298
2011 Refereed Publications
In Statistics and Probability
Zwiernik, P. & Smith, J.Q. (2011) "Implicit inequality constraints in a binary tree model" Electronic J. of Statistics, 5, 1276 - 1312
Freeman, G. & Smith, J.Q. (2011) " Dynamic Staged Trees for Discrete Multivariate Time Series: Forecasting, Model Selection and Causal Analysis", Bayesian Analysis, Vol. 06, No. 02, 279 - 306,
Freeman, G. & Smith, J.Q. (2011) " Bayesian MAP Selection of Chain Event graphs" J. Multivariate Analysis, 102, 1152 -1165
In Decision Analysis & Operations Research
Smith, J.Q. & Freeman, G. (2011) "Distributional Kalman Filters for Bayesian Forecasting and Closed Form Recurrences" J. of Forecasting, Vol 30, No. 1 210 -224
Rigat, F. & Smith, J.Q. (2011) "Study of Key Interventions into Terrorism using Bayesian Networks" (SRG/09/44) Home Office Final Report (44 pages)
In Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Xiang, Y., Smith, J.Q. & Kroes, K. (2011) "Multiagent Bayesian Forecasting of Structural Time invariant Dynamic Systems with Graphical Models" International J. of Approximate Reasoning 52, no. 7, 960--977; MR2835054
2010 Refereed Publications
In Statistics and Probability
Liverani S., Smith, J.Q. & Cussens J. (2010) "Searching a Multivariate Partition Space using Weighted MAX-SAT" in CIBB 2009, F. Masulli, L. Peterson, and R. Tagliaferri (Eds.), LNBI 6160, 240--253. Springer, Heidelberg
Monnier, A. , Liverani,S., Bouvet, R. Jesson, B. , Smith, J.Q., Mosser, J., Corellou, F. and Bouget. F-Y. (2010) "Orchestrated transcription of biological processes in the marine picoeukaryote Ostreococcus exposed to light/dark cycles" BMC Genomics 2010, 11:192
In Decision Analysis & Operations Research
Smith, J.Q. (2010) " Bayesian Decision Analysis: Principles and Practice" Cambridge University Press
Smith, J.Q. (2010) "An Introduction to Bayes Nets for Evaluating Home Office Policies" Home Office Tutorial Paper Feb'10
In Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Thwaites, P. Smith, J.Q. & Riccomagno, E. (2010) "Causal Analysis with Chain Event Graphs" Artificial Intelligence, 174, 889–909
Smith, J.Q. & Daneshkhah, A. (2010) "On the Robustness of Bayesian Networks to Learning from Non-conjugate Sampling" International J. of Approximate Reasoning, 51, 558 -572
2009 Refereed Publications
In Statistics and Probability
Rigat, F. & Smith, J.Q. (2009) "Non-parametric dynamic time series modelling with applications to detecting neural dynamics" The Annals of Applied Statistics, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1776–1804
Liverani,S. , Anderson, P.E. Edwards, K.D. Millar, A.J. &Smith, J.Q. (2009) " Efficient Utility-based Clustering over High Dimensional Partition Spaces" J. of Bayesian Analysis, Vol. 04, No. 03, 539 - 572
Riccomagno, E. & Smith, J.Q. (2009) "The Geometry of Causal Probability Trees that are Algebraically Constrained" in "Optimal Design and Related Areas in Optimization and Statistics" Eds L. Pronzato and A.Zhigljavsky, Springer 131-152
In Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Xiang, Y. Smith, J.Q. & Kroes, J. (2009) "Mulitagent Bayesian Forecasting of Time Series with Graphical Models" Proceeding of FLAIRS 09 - Florida, May 19 - 21 '09
Thwaites, P. Freeman, G. & Smith, J.Q. (2009) "Chain Event Graph MAP Selection" Proceedings of KEOD 09 Madeira 392- 5
2008 Refereed Publications
In Statistics and Probability
Smith, J.Q., Anderson, P.E, & Liverani, S. (2008) "Separation Measures and the Geometry of Bayes factor selection for Classification" J Roy. Statist. Soc. B, Vol. 70, Part 5, 957 - 980
Parsons, N., Smith, J.Q., Thonnes, E.,Wilson, R.L. & Wang, L. (2008) "Rotationally invariant statistics for examining the evidence from the pores in fingerprints" Law, Probability and Risk, 7, 1-14;
Smith, J.Q. & Daneshkhah, A. (2008) "Large Sample Robustness in Bayesian Networks" Proceedings of the 4th European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models" Eds M. Jaeger and T.D. Nielsen, Hirtshals, Denmark, September, 2008, 265 - 272
In Decision Analysis & Operations Research
Smith, J.Q. and Thwaites, P. (2008) “Decision Modelling” in Encyclopaedia of Quantitative Risk Analysis and Assessment, " ,2, Eds. Melnick, E.L. and Everitt, B.S., 459-462
Smith, J.Q. & Thwaites, P. (2008) “Decision Trees” Encyclopaedia of Quantitative Risk Analysis and Assessment, 2, Eds. Melnick, E.L. and Everitt, B.S., 462 - 70
Smith, J.Q. & Thwaites, P. (2008) “Influence Diagrams” Encyclopaedia of Quantitative Risk Analysis and Assessment, 2, Eds. Melnick, E.L. and Everitt, B.S., 897 - 910
In Artificial Intelligence & Machine
Thwaites, P., Smith, J.Q. & Cowell, R. (2008)" Propagation using Chain Event Graphs" Proceedings of the 24th Conference in Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Editors D. McAllester and P. Myllymaki, Helsinki, July 2008, 546 -553
Smith, J.Q. & Anderson P.E. (2008) "Conditional independence and Chain Event Graphs" Artificial Intelligence, 172, 1, 42 - 68