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Professor Dario Spanò

I am interested in combinatorial stochastic processes, measure-valued processes and special functions arising in exchangeable and partially exchangeable models, with main applications in Mathematical Population Genetics, Bayesian Nonparametric Statistics.
I am currently the Deputy Head (Teaching and Learning) of the Department of Statistics at Warwick.
Contact me at:
Department of Statistics
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
Tel. +44(0)24 7657 5755
Fax +44(0)24 7652 4532
email: d.spano<at>warwick ac uk
Office Hour for Term 2:
Monday 15:30--16:30 (Online - MSTeams);
Friday 14:30--15:30 (In office MB4.02 or online MSTeams)
Please contact me via email if you need a meeting.

My portrait by Giulia

A portrait of me by Giulia, spring 2009.