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Professional service


Professional service Mark F.J. Steel

Editorial Board Activities:
Associate Editor, Econometric Theory, January 1994-December 2005
Associate Editor, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, January 2001-December 2006
Associate Editor, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B (Statistical Methodology, August 2003-August 2007
Associate Editor, Journal of Productivity Analysis, as of April 2007
Associate Editor, Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics, as of October 2009
Editor, Bayesian Analysis, March 2010-February 2019
Associate Editor, Journal of Econometrics, May 2010-May 2013
Associate Editor, Econometrics and Statistics, as of June 2015
Editor-in-Chief, Bayesian Analysis, January 2022-December 2024


Other Editorial Activities:

Associate Editor of Bayesian Methods With Applications to Science, Policy, and Official Statistics; Selected Papers from ISBA 2000: The Sixth World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis, Monograph in Official Statistics, Eurostat, (2001)

Guest Editor (with Chris Papageorgiou) of a special issue on "Model Uncertainty in Economics" of the European Economic Review in honour of Eduardo Ley (2016)

Guest Editor (with Jan Magnus, Gonzalo Garcia-Donato and Xinyu Zhang) of a special issue on "Bayesian and Frequentist Model Averaging" of Econometrics (2019)

Offices in International Organizations:
For the International Society for Bayesian Analysis isba.gif (4921 bytes)
- Program Vice Chair, 1997
- Nominating Committee Member, 1997, 2004, 2011
- Program Chair, 1998
- Past Program Chair, 1999
- Board Member, 2000-2002
- Member ISBA Programme Committee for Valencia/ISBA Eighth World Meeting on Bayesian Statistics, 2006
- Member Savage Award Committee, 2007
- Member ISBA Prize Committee, 2010-2012
- Chair ISBA Prize Committee, 2012-2013
- Member of the Lindley Prize Committee, 2018
- Co-chair of the Lindley Prize Committee, 2022
- Member of the Scientific Committee for the 2022 ISBA World Meeting, Montreal.
- Member, Committee on Named Lectures, 2024 ISBA World Meeting, Venice.
- Chair-Elect of the Objective Bayes section for 2024-25.
For the Royal Statistical Society 
- Member and Chair, Graduate Training Committee, 2003-2006
- Council member, June 2003-December 2007
- Member, Research Section Committee, June 2004-December 2008

Board member of the European Seminar on Bayesian Econometrics, 2010-2024

Refereed for:

Statistics Journals:
Annals of Statistics; Biometrical Journal; Biometrika; Canadian Journal of Statistics; Communications in Statistics; Computational Statistics; Computational Statistics and Data Analysis; Journal of Applied Statistics; Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics; Journal of Multivariate Analysis; Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (Statistics in Society); Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Statistical Methodology); Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics); Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series D (The Statistician); Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference; Journal of the American Statistical Association; Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability; Metron; Scandinavian Journal of Statistics; Statistica; Statistica Neerlandica; Statistical Methodology; Statistical Modelling; Statistical Science; Statistics; Statistics in Medicine; Test

Econom(etr)ics Journals:
American Economic Review; American Journal of Agricultural Economics; Applied Economics; Applied Mathematical Finance; Bulletin of Economic Research; Econometrica; Econometric Journal; Econometric Reviews; Econometric Theory; Economic Journal; Economics Letters; Economics of Planning; Empirical Economics; Energy Economics; European Economic Review; Focus on European Economic Integration; IMF Staff Papers; International Economic Journal; International Economic Review; International Journal of Forecasting; Journal of Agricultural Economics; Journal of Applied Econometrics; Journal of Business and Economic Statistics; Journal of Comparative Economics; Journal of Econometrics; Journal of Economic Growth; Journal of Empirical Finance; Journal of Productivity Analysis; Journal of Public Economics; Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics; Regional Science and Urban Economics; Review of Economic Studies; Review of Economics and Statistics; Scottish Journal of Political Economy; Southern Economic Journal; The Manchester School

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science; Food Policy; IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics; ICES Journal of Marine Science; Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics; Mathematica Slovaca; Studies in Higher Education; Omega; Sociological Methods and Research; Transportation Research, Part E; Urban Studies; World Development

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