Dr Samuel Touchard
This year, I will be teaching Games, Decisions and Behaviour (ST234) in term 1, Applied Statistical Modelling (ST404), with Dr Paul Skerritt in term 2, and Statistical Laboratory (ST121) in term 2. I am also module co-ordinator for the IM Dissertation/Project module.
Other modules that I have taught or been involved with in the past few years are Designed Experiments (ST305/410) and An Introduction to Statistical Practice (ST952).
Before joining Warwick four years ago, I worked as a Teaching Associate at the University of Bristol in the Department of Mathematics. I have also previously worked as a medical statistician, investigating potential biomarkers in dementia, especially in Alzheimer’s disease.
My research background is Bayesian Statistics. My PhD thesis “Bayesian Inference of gene-miRNA regulatory networks” consisted in building, via MCMC, a Bayesian graphical model with integrated biological information that infers a regulatory network of functional interactions between miRNAs and their mRNA targets.
Work experience:
2019 - present: Assistant Professor (Teaching Focused), University of Warwick
2018 - 2019: Teaching Associate, University of Bristol
2015 - 2018: Research Associate, School of Medecine, Cardiff University
2010 - 2015: PhD in Statistics, University of Sheffield
2007 - 2010: Diplome d’Ingenieur (MSc equivalent), Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Analyse de l’Information (ENSAI), Bruz, France
2009 - 2010: Master of Research (MSc), University of Rennes 1, France
Room MSB 2.19
Office hours:
Tuesday 11.30 - 12.30
Thursday 11.30 - 12.30
Or by appointment via email
Or send me a message on Teams and I will call you back.