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Rocco Caprio

I am a third year PhD student at the Warwick Mathematics and Statistics CDT program, under the supervision of Adam Johansen and Andi Wang. I am mainly interested in the theoretical aspects of Monte Carlo and machine learning methods.

R. Caprio, A.M. Johansen - Fast convergence of the Expectation Maximization algorithm under a logarithmic Sobolev inequality, arXiv 2407.17949 [arxiv]
R. Caprio,
J. Kuntz, S. Power, A.M. Johansen - Error bounds for particle gradient descent, and extensions of the log-Sobolev and Talagrand inequalities, arXiv 2403.02004 [arxiv]
R. Caprio, A.M. Johansen - A calculus for Markov chain Monte Carlo: studying approximations in algorithms, arXiv 2310.03853 [arxiv]

Talks / Posters
Talk "Fast convergence of the Expectation Maximization algorithm under a logarithmic Sobolev inequality" - MCQMC - Waterloo, Canada, Aug 2024
Talk "Gradient flows, extended log-Sobolev and Talagrand" - Young Researchers' Meeting - University of Warwick, May 2024
Talk "A calculus for Markov chain Monte Carlo" - University of Warwick, Jan 2024
Talk "A calculus for Markov chain Monte Carlo" - University of Passau, Nov 2023
Poster "A calculus for Markov chain Monte Carlo" - BayesComp 2023 - Levi, Finland, Mar 2023

2021/22 (TA) ST219 Mathematical Statistics B
2022/23 (TA) ST218 Mathematical Statistics A
2022/23 (TA) ST202 Stochastic Processes