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Giulio Morina

I am currently a final year PhD student in Statistics, supervised by Krzysztof Łatuszyński (Warwick) and Ewan Cameron (Oxford). I am part of a CDT programme between the University of Warwick and the University of Oxford (OxWaSP).

I am especially interested in Computational Statistics and, in particular, in Monte Carlo methods and Perfect Simulation techniques. Currently, I am working on finding efficient ways to construct Bernoulli Factory algorithms (and beyond), as well as applying them in different areas of Statistics.

Check also my website:


  • G. Morina, K. Latuszynski, P. Nayar, and A. Wendland (2019). From the Bernoulli Factory to a Dice Enterprise via Perfect Sampling of Markov Chains (arxiv: 1912.09229)
  • G. Morina, V. Oliinyk, J. Waton, I. Marusic, and K. Georgatzis (2019). Auditing and Achieving Intersectional Fairness in Classification Problems (arxiv: 1911.01468)

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Giulio Morina

Giulio Morina

G dot Morina at warwick dot ac dot uk


Office 3.14
Department of Statistics
University of Warwick
Coventry, CV4 7AL

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