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Kristian Romano

Short Bio

I am a PhD student in Statistics at the University of Warwick working on Hidden Markov Models for digital health and personalized medicine under the supervision of professor Bärbel Finkenstädt . Together with professor Francis Lévi we aim to monitor the Circadian Timing System, via wearable devices, for cancer patients as they undergo chemotherapy.

Hidden Markov Models have been employed in many areas such as genomics, protein folding, finance, and rainfall modelling. I enjoy collaborative research in multidisciplinary teams and delivering novel statistical methodology for
real-world problems.

I served as Secretary of the Royal Statistical Society WMLG from 2020 to 2023, from 2024 I will be a Committee member. I used to serve as Chair of the Student Staff Liaison Committee for the Department of Statistics. If you are an incoming/prospective PhD student please feel free to contact me via email.

I earned both my BSc and MSc at Bocconi University (Italy). I spent a quarter as exchange student during the BSc period at Northwestern University (USA). I had the privilege to be a Bocconi Institute for Data Science and Analytics (BIDSA) Visting Student under the supervision of professor Antonio Lijoi.


MPhil/PhD in Statistics (2020-Current)

The University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

MSc in Economics and Social Sciences (2017-2020)

Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milan, Italy

Successfully joined a competitive selection and was allowed to take two courses offered by the Bocconi PhD in Statistics: Bayesian Nonparametrics, and Topics in Statistical and Machine Learning. Thesis supervisor: professor Antonio Lijoi.

Exchange Program (Winter 2017)

Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois (USA)

BSc in Economics and Social Sciences (2014-2017)

Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milan, Italy


"Real-Time Telemonitoring of Cancer Patients on Chemotherapy", May. 2024 ,Towards Personalized Cancer Chronotherapy, Université de Chicago Centre à Paris, Paris, France

"Real Time Telemetric Monitoring of the Circadian Rhythm via a Wearable Device for Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Patients undergoing Chemotherapy", February 2024, Warwick Mathematics Postgraduate Seminar,University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

"Real Time Telemetric Monitoring of the Circadian Rhythm via a Wearable Device for Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Patients undergoing Chemotherapy", December 2023, Annual General Meeting of the Royal Statistical Society WMLG,University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

"Remote Monitoring of Patient With Advanced Pancreatic Cancer", Apr. 2023 ,Towards Personalized Cancer Chronotherapy, Université de Chicago Centre à Paris, Paris, France

"MultiDom: Remote Monitoring of Patient With Advanced Pancreatic Cancer", February 2023, Young Researchers Meeting, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

"Advanced Hidden Markov Models for Physiological Time Series", September 2022, Warwick Statistics 50th Anniversary, Coventry, UK


"Real Time Telemetric Monitoring of the Circadian Rhythm via a Wearable Device for Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Patients undergoing Chemotherapy", February 2024, STEM for Britain, House of Parliament, London, UK

"Real Time Telemetric Monitoring of the Circadian Rhythm via a Wearable Device for Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Patients undergoing Chemotherapy", October 2023, 1st Danish Int. Conference on Personalised Medicine, Moesgaard Museum, Aarhus, Denmark

"Advanced HMM for Remote Monitoring of Patients with Pancreatic Cancer", December 2022, AS&RU Partnership Day, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

"Advanced Hidden Markov Models for Physiological Time Series", October 2022, Young Researchers Meeting, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

"Advanced Hidden Markov Models for Physiological Time Series", August 2022, 24th International Conference on Computational Statistics, Bologna, Italy

"Advanced Hidden Markov Models for Physiological Time Series", March 2022, Warwick Department of Statistics Conference, Gregynog Hall, Wales, UK


ST221 Linear Statistical Modeling (2021-2023).

ST116 Mathematical Techniques (2021).

ST104 Statistical Laboratory I (2022).

ST118 Probability 1 (2022).


Kristian dot Romano at warwick dot ac dot uk



Personal Website