Conferences, Workshops & Talks
I am one of the organisers of the ICFHR2018 Competition on Recognition Recognition of Historical Arabic Scientific Manuscripts (RASM2018), held in as part of ICFHR 2018 in Niagara Falls, NY. The competition is open until 4th May, 2018. More detail and registration information can be found here.
- ICFHR2018: 16th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition. August 5-8, 2018. Niagara Falls Conference & Event Center, Niagara, NY, United States of America. (competition organiser) [link]
- Understanding Multi-Modal Data for Social and Human Behaviour. November 27, 2018. Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, England. (invited talk) [link]
- ASAR2018: 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Arabic and derived Script Analysis and Recognition. March 12-14, 2018. The Alan Turing Institute, London, UK. (organisation chair, paper) [link]
- KAUST Research Workshop on Optimization and Big Data. February 5-7, 2018. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (poster, short talk) - recieved grant to cover registration, accomodation, travel, visa and related expenses from KAUST Office of Sponsored Research
- 8th ERC Oxford-Berlin Young Researchers Meeting on Applied Stochastic Analysis. December 14-16, 2017. Mathematics Institute, The University of Oxford, Oxford, England. (talk) [link]
- Jump Trading Statistics and Machine Learning Reading Group - invited to talk about personal research and potential applications to finance. December 12, 2017. Jump Trading, London, England. (talk)
- ICDAR2017: 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition. November 9-15, 2017. Kyoto Terrsa, Kyoto, Japan. (poster, talk, doctoral consortium) [link] - recieved grant to cover registration and accomodation costs from Warwick Statistics Department
- Warwick Statistics Young Researchers' Meeting (YRM). October 10, 2017. Warwick Statistics Department, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. (talk)
- Oxford Stochastic Analysis Seminar. October 9, 2017. Mathematics Institute, The University of Oxford, Oxford, England. (talk) [link]
- 7th ERC Oxford-Berlin Young Researchers Meeting on Applied Stochastic Analysis. May 18-20, 2017. WIAS, Berlin, Germany. [link]
- 53rd Gregynog Statistical Conference. April 21-23, 2017. Gregynog Hall, Tregynon, Wales. (poster) [link]
- RSC2017: 40th Research Students' Conference in Probability and Statistics. April 18-21, 2017. Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Durham, Durham, England. (poster) [link]
- ASAR2017: 1st IEEE International Workshop on Arabic Script Analysis and Recognition. April 3-5, 2017. LORIA, Nancy, France. [link]
- 6th ERC Oxford-Berlin Young Researchers Meeting on Applied Stochastic Analysis. December 8-10, 2016. Mathematics Institute, The University of Oxford, Oxford, England.