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Woojung Kim

I am a fourth year PhD student in Warwick Maths and Stats Centres of Doctoral Training(CDT) under the joint supervision of Dr. Paul JenkinsLink opens in a new window and Dr. Christopher YauLink opens in a new window. My research interests lie in Bayesian inference for stochastic diffusion processes and their applications for machine learning.

I received my bachelor's degree in Business and Technology Management from KAIST(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) and my master's in Economics and Social Sciences(ESS) at Bocconi.

In 2022, I was based at the Alan Turing Institute as an Enrichment student.


Mixed type multimorbidity variational autoencoder: a deep generative model for multimorbidity analysis, Kim, W., Jenkins, P. A., and Yau, C. (2024); Proceedings of Machine Learning for Healthcare, to appear.

Feature Allocation Approach for Multimorbidity Trajectory Modelling, Kim, W., Jenkins, P. A., and Yau, C. (2023); Proceedings of the 2nd Machine Learning for Health symposium, PMLR 193:103-119


12th Nov 2021: Age-dependent multimorbidity trajectory models with the WF-IBP, Warwick Data Science Group

28th June 2021: Learning multimorbidity and its temporal dynamics with the WF-IBP, 2021 ISBA World Meeting

26th June 2021: Learning multimorbidity and its temporal dynamics with the WF-IBP, 2021 EcoStat

22th June 2021: Learning multimorbidity and its temporal dynamics with the WF-IBP, YRM seminar

28th Nov 2022: Feature Allocation Approach for Multimorbidity Trajectory Modelling, ML4H

25th May 2023: Multimodal Multimorbidity Variational Autoencoder, Turing AI Fellowship Event


Office: MSB 4.14
