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Fernando A. Zepeda Herrera

I'm Fernando, a 4th year Ph.D. student at the Warwick Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT)Link opens in a new window. My current research is on methodological developments in MCMC; in particular, I am working with Prof. Gareth RobertsLink opens in a new window and Dr. Nick TawnLink opens in a new window on D-ALPS, a non-reversible extension to the Annealed Leap-Point Sampler for multimodal distributions and trans-dimensional sampling.

Before entering the CDT, I coursed at Warwick an MSc in StatisticsLink opens in a new window. Previous to my arrival at Warwick, I worked at two Statistical and Data Science consulting firms in my home country, Mexico. There, amongst other responsibilities, I helped develop models for political polling and public opinion, and the implementation of statistical learning techniques for market research clients.

I hold a BSc in Actuarial Science and a BA in International Relations from ITAM (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México)Link opens in a new window. You are welcome to visit my personal websiteLink opens in a new window.

Teaching Assistant
  • A New OR... the RSS Olympic prediction edition!
    • RSS International Conference, Brighton, England (2024)
  • D-ALPS: A Non-Reversible Extension of the Annealed Leap-Point Sampler
    • ISBA World Meeting, Ca' Foscari, Venice, Italy (2024)
    • YRM, Department of Statistics, University of Warwick, Coventry, England (2024)
    • XXI Symposium MexSocUK, University of Cambridge, England (2024)
  • Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
    • WDSS Student Speaker Series (2021)
  • Polls, Prediction, and the POTUSLink opens in a new window
    • WDSS Student Speaker Series (2020)
Awards and Prizes

Useful Links

Without all the amazing people collaborating, publishing, and developing tools, our work wouldn't be the same. So here are some links to organizations, institutions, and resources (some in Spanish) that have helped me along the way, maybe you find them useful too!