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Recent WP and Outreach Events


Cartoon showing a booth with a pie chart and a group of people fitting a non-linear curve to a point pattern.

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Some recent events

  • 2024 Sutton Trust Summer School: Jointly with the Mathematics Institute and the Department of Computer Science we deliver the Mathematical Sciences stream which explored mathematical and statistical modelling with examples from biological systems and epidemics.
  • STEM Faculty Science Day - April 24: We delivered an interactive workshop to Year 12 students from local schools considered how fake news spreads and steps to improve our data literacy.
  • Slice of Science School Day - March 24: A day of interactive workshops, talks and engagement with STEM staff and students offered to female-identifying year 9 students from local schools.  Statistics offered four workshops in which we estimated animal abundance, explored biased sampling and learnt about regression towards the mean. Along the way we encountered some famous statisticians from the past, like Florence Nightingale who was not only a nurse but also an accomplished statistician who used visualisation effectively to communicate the insights she had gained from her data. The workshops were supported by our fantastic team of Statistics Widening Participation Ambassadors who are all current undergraduate students in the department.

    Workshops were also offered by the Department of Computer Science, the Mathematics Institute and the Women in Cyber from the Warwick Manufacturing Group.

  • AMSP Mathematics and University - a morning for Year 10 - December 2023 As part of an event offered by the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme, we delivered a workshop illustrating with hands-on activities how to use random samples to infer properties of a target population.