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Dirk Husmeier

This talk contributes to recent research on sampling Bayesian network
structures from the posterior distribution with MCMC. Two principled
paradigms have been applied in the past. Structure MCMC, first proposed
by Madigan and York, defines a Markov chain in the space of graph
structures by applying basic operations to individual edges of the
graph, like the creation, deletion or reversal of an edge.
Alternatively, order MCMC, proposed by Friedman and Koller, defines a
Markov chain in the space of node orders. While the second approach has
been found to substantially improve the mixing and convergence of the
Markov chain, it does not allow an explicit specification of the prior
distribution over graph structures or, to phrase this difierently, it
incurs a distortion of the specified prior distribution as a consequence
of the marginalization over node orders. This distortion can lead to
problems for applications in systems biology, where owing to the limited
number of experimental conditions the integration of biological prior
knowledge into the inference scheme becomes desirable. Diferent
approaches and modifications have been developed in the literature to
address this shortcoming (e.g. by Ellis, Eaton and Murphy).
Unfortunately, these methods incur extra computational costs and are not
practically viable for inferring large networks with more than 20 to 30
nodes. There have been suggestions of how to improve the classical
structure MCMC approach by using the concept of the inclusion boundary,
as proposed by Castelo and Kocka, but these methods only partially
address the convergence and mixing problems. In the present paper we
propose a novel structure MCMC scheme, which augments the classical
structure MCMC method of Madigan and York with a novel edge reversal
move. The idea of the new move is to resample the parent sets of the two
nodes involved in such a way that the selected edge is reversed subject
to the acyclicity constraint. The proposal of the new parent sets is
done efectively by adopting ideas from importance sampling; in this way
faster convergence is efected. For methodological consistency, and in
contrast to inclusion-driven MCMC, we have properly derived the Hastings
factor, which is a function of various partition functions that are
straightforward to compute. The resulting Markov chain is reversible,
satisfies the condition of detailed balance, and is hence guaranteed to
theoretically converge to the desired posterior distribution. For our
empirical evaluation, we have tested our method on various data sets
from the UCI repository, such as Vote, Flare, Boston Housing, and Alarm,
which have previously been used by Friedman and Koller to demonstrate
that order MCMC outperforms structure MCMC. Our experimental results
show that integrating the novel edge reversal move yields a substantial
improvement of the resulting MCMC sampler over classical structure MCMC,
with convergence and mixing properties that are similar to those of
order MCMC. To demonstrate the avoidance of the distortional effect
incurred with order MCMC, we have extended our empirical evaluation by
analysing ow cytometry protein concentrations from the Raf-Mek-Erk
signalling pathway. The experimental results show that the novel MCMC
scheme can lead to a slight yet significant performance improvement over
order MCMC when explicit prior knowledge is integrated into the learning
scheme. This suggests that the avoidance of any systematic distortion of
the prior probability distribution on network structures renders our
improved structure MCMC sampler preferable to order MCMC, especially for
those contemporary systems biology applications where the number of
experimental conditions relative to the complexity of the investigated
system, and hence the weight of the likelihood, is relatively low, and
explicit prior knowledge about network structures from publicly
accessible data bases is included.

This is joint work with Marco Grzegorczyk