Alina Bazarova
Email: a.bazarova <at>
Warwick Systems Biology Centre
Senate House
University of Warwick
Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK
I am a research fellow in Professor Nigel Burroughs's group working on the project 'Genome wide identification of priming sites for Okazaki fragments' funded by BBSRC.
I obtained my PhD at Graz University of Technology (Austria) and currently I continue to collaborate with my PhD advisor Professor Istvan Berkes mainly in the field of Time Series Analysis.
I am also working with Professor Steven Silver (San Jose State University, USA) and Dr Marko Raseta (University of Keele, UK) on various topics in Economics, mainly Behavioural Economics.
Alina Bazarova, István Berkes, Marko Raseta, On trigonometric sums with random frequencies, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, to appear
Alina Bazarova, István Berkes, Marko Raseta, Strong approximation of lacunary series with random gaps, Monatshefte für Mathematik, May 2017
Alina Bazarova, István Berkes, Lajos Horvath, On the Extremal Theory of Continued Fractions, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 29, 248-266, (2016)
Alina Bazarova, István Berkes, Lajos Horváth, Change point detection with stable AR(1) errors, Chapter in Asymptotic laws and methods in stochastics (D. Dawson, others, eds.), Springer, no. 76, (2015).
Alina Bazarova, Asymptotic properties of trimmed sums and their applications in Analysis and Statistics, PhD thesis, TU Graz, (2014).
Alina Bazarova, István Berkes, Lajos Horváth, On the central limit theorem for modulus trimmed sums, Statistics & Probability Letters, 86, 61-67, (2014).
Alina Bazarova, István Berkes, Lajos Horváth, Trimmed stable AR(1) processes, Stochastic Processes and Applications, 124, 3441-3462, (2014).