Professor Claire Davis
Tata Steel Chair in Thermo-mechanical Processing
Professor Claire Davis is the Tata Steel Professor of thermo-mechanical processing. Her research interests cover the development of microstructure during processing and the relationships between microstructure and properties (both physical and mechanical) in steels. She is also interested in the non-destructive evaluation of microstructure and defects in metals using a range of NDT techniques and modelling approaches. Professor Davis works closely with her colleagues in WMG's Steels Processing research group and with industrial partners, such as Tata Steel, to strengthen collaborative research opportunities in the area.
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Professor Jan Godsell
Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Strategy
Jan Godsell is Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Strategy. She joined WMG in October 2013 from her prior position of Senior Lecturer at Cranfield University School of Management. She has also developed a successful career within industry, beginning at ICI/Zeneca Pharmaceuticals and at Dyson, in both Supply Chain and Operations Management functions. Professor Godsell is a Chartered Engineer and Member of the IMechE; she has recently been appointed to advise the UK government on manufacturing policy as a member of the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills' Manufacturing Advisory Group.
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Professor Irene Ng
Professor of Marketing and Service Systems
Director of the International Institute for Product and Service Innovation
Irene Ng is a Professor of Marketing and Service Systems and the Director of the International Institute for Product and Service Innovation (IIPSI) at WMG. She is also an adjunct Professor at the National University of Singapore and College Research Associate at Wolfson College, Cambridge. Irene studied physics, applied physics and computer programming as an undergraduate and became an entrepreneur and practitioner for 16 years before switching to an academic career. During her time in industry she occupied a number of senior positions in industry rising to become CEO of SA Tours and Travel group of companies (Singapore, Malaysia, China and UK) and founded Empress Cruise Lines, a company with an annual turnover of $250m which she sold in 1996. Both an entrepreneur and an academic, Irene is passionate about the link between practice and research. She is an advisor to startups on new pricing and revenue models in digital businesses.
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Dr Juliette Soulard
Associate Professor
Juliette Soulard is an Associate Professor in Electric Machines working within the Advanced Propulsion Systems Group. Prior to this, she was based at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden where she led research within the Electrical Machines and Drives Laboratory (eMaDlab) covering a range of applications from renewable energy generation to electrified transport systems.
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Dr Claire Dancer
Assistant Professor in Nanocomposites
Dr Claire Dancer is an Assistant Professor in WMG's Nanocomposites Research Group. She studied Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge before gaining her doctorate at the University of Oxford for a thesis on processing methods for the superconducting material magnesium diboride. Her postdoctoral research at Oxford included projects on ceramic armour and electromagnetic materials, and she was a College Lecturer in Materials Science at St Anne's College, Oxford from 2009 to 2013 Find out more about Claire's career...
Shaheen Charlwood
Senior Teaching Fellow
As a child I grew up surrounded by maths and science, my father was a forensic scientist for NYPD, my mother was a teacher, and my brother was always tinkering with wires and broken TV sets, so it really was the natural path for me to take.
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Valentina Donzella, Senior Teaching Fellow
From a young age I’ve always loved numbers. From about 3 years old, rather than a story it was a sum I wanted at bedtime! Once I started school, it came as no surprise that I excelled in maths and science. Other children used to tease me at school for being so good at it.
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Lauren Schrock
Teaching Fellow
There is no such thing as a typical day when you’re a teacher! I may be teaching a class, working on a journal article, supervising research projects, meeting with students, or hosting student film night. I am also involved in projects outside of WMG in the aim of improving the wider student experience, such as researching on student wellbeing and supporting the International Conference of Undergraduate Students (ICUR).
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Mel Loveridge Senior
Senior Research Fellow
I grew up in Pontypridd near Cardiff, and my family had very different interests to me. My mother was a nurse and my sister has followed the same path. My father worked in the paper mill industry. Although my family has always been very supportive of my choices, I discovered my love of science myself.
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Elspeth Keating
Research Fellow
I had the choice of three very different PhDs – one in the marine industry, the second in material science, and the third industry sponsored (at WMG). My degree was in the marine industry so this was naturally appealing, and material science was ultimately a career I would be interested in pursuing. But, after much deliberation I opted for the WMG one, sponsored by Tata Steel, as I felt it could open up lots of new opportunities.
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Nadia Kourra
Research Fellow
It all started with my dad - my childhood hero. He is an engineer and he has extensive experience in several technical fields. I have always admired the way he can put things together. I used to be fascinated by how easily he could disassemble; fix a problem and re assemble, with not even one extra screw!
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Freeha Azmat
Senior Teaching Fellow
I grew up in Pakistan where my family were all teachers or medical doctors but my interests lay more in maths and engineering. It was very difficult, because engineering is seen as a male profession back home, therefore I had to think very carefully about the academic path I chose.
I opted to study for a degree in Information and Communications Systems Engineering. After university I was lucky enough to win a scholarship enabling me to undertake a Master’s in Computer Science at Leicester University. As a single female, I had to work really hard again to convince my family that it was the right decision to allow me to go to the UK to study.
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Dr Vannessa Goodship
Principal Research Fellow
Nanocomposites Research Group
Vannessa has spent her entire career working with plastic materials. She came to WMG in 1997 direct from the plastics industry to work as a Research Associate having obtained both a BA and BSc by distance learning. She undertook a part time PhD whilst employed as staff and graduated in 2002. She became a Principal Research Fellow in 2009. Her areas of specialism are plastics materials, their processing, and recycling. She has undertaken many research projects across this scope, most recently looking at multifunctional materials. She works in a field at the interface of academia and industry and has over 50 publications across this remit. Vannessa developed (and obtained funds for) the WMG Researcher Forum which champions researcher developmental issues for contract researchers. She also developed and runs an in-house researcher mentoring scheme as part of this programme.
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Dr Chiara Busa
Process Technician
A typical day for me involves a lot of planning. This means that when I get to work, I know exactly what to do, or at least the essential matters to take care of. In particular, since my job is largely laboratory-based, and instruments need to be booked in advance, I need to spend some of my time scheduling my experiments.
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Lucy Inman
Senior Programme Co-ordinator
I line manage a team of four in the full-time MSc Course Office looking after the ‘student cycle.’ We manage everything from student inductions to planning and facilitating modules and timetables, through to dissertation submission for more than 700 students. Our office is a hub of activity with students coming and going, and there really is no such thing as a quiet month.
I graduated from Reading University in 2005 with a degree in Economics and Human Geography and spent the first seven years of my career in the town planning department at Warwick District Council. In 2012 I joined the Graduate School at the University of Warwick and then moved over to WMG to join the Course Office team on secondment.
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Katerina Gonos
Graduate Trainee Engineer
At school, I was always very good at science. I was also a total bookworm, and was fascinated by the Horrible Science series.
At sixth form, therefore, it was a natural choice for me to study the three core sciences, Maths and English. My science teachers in particular were incredible, and extremely supportive and encouraging. It was my time at sixth form, and these teachers, that inspired me to study Chemistry at the University of Warwick.
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Puja Unadkat
Graduate Trainee Engineer
From a young age, I have always enjoyed studying science, particularly chemistry as this was the lesson I most looked forward to. My chemistry teacher at sixth form encouraged and inspired me to study the subject further at degree level. After studying an ‘Energy’ module in my final year at university I immediately knew this was the sector I would like to work in. Fittingly, WMG had just introduced a new Graduate Development Scheme in energy innovation and I knew I just had to apply. I am now seven months into the scheme and enjoying every element of it.
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Ehman Altaf
Apprentice Technician
At school everyone would always say how smart I was and would ask me to solve problems for them. I never really considered myself ‘smart’ I think I was just quite technical and good at vocational things. After my GSCEs I tried A Levels, but they weren’t really for me so I decided to study a two year BTEC in engineering at The WMG Academy for Young Engineers. This was definitely more up my street and after successfully completing the course I applied for the apprenticeship at WMG.
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