ELT Archive Oral History Collection
Early broadcast / published interviews
Interview with A.S. Hornby, by Yoshio Ogawa
Interview with A.S. Hornby, by Cristina Ruse (1974)
Self-recorded memoirs for a project initiated by Chris Brumfit and taken forward by John Norrish at the Institute of Education, London
Self-recorded memoir by Louis G. Alexander
Self-recorded memoir by A.V.P. Elliot
Self-recorded memoir by L.A. Hill
Self-recorded memoir by L.G. Alexander
Self-recorded memoir by Bernard Lott
Self-recorded memoir by D.Y. Morgan
Self-recorded memoir by Valentine Elliott
Interviews by Robert Phillipson for his PhD research (published later as Linguistic Imperialism(1992)):
Interview with Chris Brumfit by Robert Phillipson (22 April, 1986)
Interview with Roger Bowers by Robert Phillipson
Interview with Bernard Lott by Robert Phillipson
Interview with George Perren by Robert Phillipson
Interview with Peter Strevens by Robert Phillipson
'Talking shop': recordings forELT Journal
Interview with S. Pit Corder by Richard Rossner and Dick Allwright
Interview by Richard Smith
Interview with John Trim by Richard Smith and Nicola McLelland (19 September, 2012). Edited transcriptLink opens in a new window.
Interview by Keith Johnson
Interview with N.S. Prabhu by Keith Johnson