Group members

Meifang Zhuo
PhD candidate, Applied Linguistics
Research area: Language teacher development; teacher research and mentoring

Nusrat Gulzar
PhD candidate, Applied Linguistics
Research area: designing, trialling and evaluating a context-appropriate intervention on e-portfolio technology for fostering awareness and practice of online multimodal reflections in MA TESOL practicum.

Marianna Patrick
PhD candidate, Applied Linguistics
Research area: Storytelling, identity, place, mobility.

Cerise Louisa Andrews
PhD candidate, Applied Linguistics
Research area: Language teachers' perspectives of translanguaging pedagogy; Foucauldian discourse analysis

Azadeh Moladoost
PhD candidate, Applied Linguistics
Research Area: Teacher development, feedback, Identity, Positive Psychology

Jenna Nilson
PhD candidate, Education Studies
Research area: Drama-based language pedagogy; translanguaging approaches to inclusive language education

Umida Hakimova
PhD candidate, Applied Linguistics
Research area: Teaching young learners; learner autonomy; teacher development

Gah-Kai Leung
PhD candidate, Politics
Research area: Social and political philosophy; science and public policy; applied ethics; philosophy of social science; urban infrastructure and the built environment; disaster risk reduction; qualitative methods; philosophical methods