Education Studies Postgraduate Research Conference 2025

The 12th Education Studies PGR Conference offers a dynamic and engaging environment for postgraduate researchers to present and discuss their research. This free conference is open to researchers at all stages of their programme and welcomes presenters from a variety of disciplines whose research and experiences of research connect with education in its broadest sense.
This year, we will be exploring the theme 'Reimagining Education in a Changing World: Inclusive Education for a Global and Interdisciplinary Future'. In an era filled with challenges, it is essential to consider how educational research can address these issues. We hope that this theme will inspire you to consider the meaningful and positive impact your research may have on the rich and diverse world of education. We look forward to receiving abstractsLink opens in a new window that engage with education in all its forms, irrespective of their relevance to this broader theme. As a guide, we have listed some possible related sub-themes on this page, but submissions that focus on other areas connected with education are welcome.
The event will take place online on April 25th and onsite at the University of Warwick on April 26th, 2025, with attendance open to taught or research postgraduate students as well as the wider academic community. There will be presentations, discussions and question-and-answer sessions, as well as plenary panels each day with renowned experts in the field.
We are paying particular attention to equality and diversity issues, and we are using evidence-based guidance to produce an inclusive conference within our means. If you would like advice or support on presenting or are unsure whether you are at a stage where you are ready to present, please see our FAQs pageLink opens in a new window or get in touch via our emailLink opens in a new window. For postgraduate students wishing to present at the conference, abstracts should be submitted by 14th March 2025.
Keynote Speakers
Our keynote speakers have been invited to reflect on different facets of the conference theme.

Follow us or get in touch!
Conference Committee

Adila Fazleen Che Manan

Susan Deeb

Ran Deng

Titik Ulfatun

Evan Zheng
Conference Dates:
25th- 26th April 2025
Friday 25th April 2025 (12:00 - 17:00 GMT)
Saturday 26th April 2025 (09:30 - 15:30 GMT)
Online (Microsoft Teams)
Onsite (Venue at University of Warwick)
Abstract Submission Deadline:
14th March 2025 (23:59 GMT)