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session 3

in this session:

we looked where we were up to and concluded that everyone had a found a meaningful project to work on though obviously were at different stages within that project. Some questions which arose were:

  • Words for each section – refer back to the original hand out though that was a guide only
  • Extent of data collection can go long and deep or broad and wide or a bit of both
  • Find a balanced tone neither over claiming but just a important under claiming for impact
  • Make it a natural account but will never finish if it is not edited
  • Be explicit about choices you took eg when you faced a dilemma just say it was a dilemma rather than pretend there was an obvious route to take

we discussed the ethics form - there was a handout for this [Linked here] , please could you complete and mail back to me for a signature.

we discussed ideas of trustworthiness - again there was a handout for this [linked here]

Since this meeting I have added a couple more articles, the first is a report on i Pads in schools in Scotland:

if that is of interest to anyone and the second is an account I did some time ago of an action research project as an example but not a model of structure. link [not sure which version this was so please ignore any typos]