3. Botwright, Carole
Carole Botwright
EdD student
Email: carole.botwright@warwick.ac.uk
Research Areas
Reading for Pleasure, Special Educational Needs, Pupil Voice, Parental Engagement
Email: carole.botwright@warwick.ac.uk
Reading for Pleasure, Special Educational Needs, Pupil Voice, Parental Engagement
Student Email: Milena.Cuccurullo@warwick.ac.uk
Staff Email: Milena.Cuccurullo.1@warwick.ac.uk
Higher Education, Teaching Quality, Philosophy, Hermeneutics
Email: Imtiyaz.Damiel@warwick.ac.uk
Islamic Education, Tarbiyya, Qur’anic Hermeneutics, Madrasah, Islamic Supplementary Schools
PhD student
Email: Mohammed.Gamal@warwick.ac.uk
Islamic education, Citizenship education, Civic virtue, Moral education
Email: Christopher.Guerin@warwick.ac.uk
School reports, Secondary education, Home-school engagement, Parental involvement
PhD student
Worldviews, religious education, teenagers, multiple-case study, secondary education
PhD student
Email: Jenna.Nilson@warwick.ac.uk
Language teaching and learning, drama-based pedagogy, translanguaging, decolonizing language education, Arts-Based research
Email: c.jones.27@warwick.ac.uk
Parental engagement, Family engagement, Home-school partnerships, Teacher education, Educational policy
Email: sojin.lee@warwick.ac.uk
Philosophy of Education, Global Citizenship Education, Aesthetic education, Jacques Derrida, Cosmopolitanism
Email: denisse.lillo-sierra@warwick.ac.uk
Higher education access and choice; first-generation students; transition from secondary to higher education; capabilities approach; social justice in education
Mental Health, Academic Self-concept, engagement in school and educational motivation
Email: arokia@warwick.ac.uk
Academic socialisation, Doctoral Education, Higher Education, Gender, Kashmir, and India.
Email: Haoxi.Ou@warwick.ac.uk
Queer Theory, Transnational Higher Education, Desire, Queer China
Student Email: Masud.Siddiqui@warwick.ac.uk
Staff Email: Masudur.Siddiqui@warwick.ac.uk
Research Areas
Neoliberal education reform, globalisation, Global Educational Reform Movement (GERM), International financial organizations’ involvement in education, Bangladesh
Student email address: hong.song@warwick.ac.uk
Staff email address: song.hong@warwick.ac.uk
Early education, picture books, young learners, children's literacy
Email: Marta.Ulanicka@warwick.ac.uk
Higher Education, Social Justice, Widening Participation, International Comparative Research, Mixed Methods
Student Email: Jieyuan.Zheng@Warwick.ac.uk
Staff Email: Jieyuan.Zheng.1@Warwick.ac.uk
Fathers’ involvement; Masculinity; Life History Approach