Modules for visiting students
IMPORTANT: please do not confirm your module choices via the eVision Module Registration (EMR) system. Please complete the Departmental Module Registration form.
- Study Abroad Part-Year Module Handbook (only for students visiting for part of the academic year)
- Undergraduate Economics Modules
- Modules available outside the Department of Economics
- Undergraduate timetables
Academic Year
Our system differs from most continental universities in that the year is split into three terms, each of ten weeks. These run approximately from October - December, January - March, and April - June. Most of the teaching takes place in the first two terms, with examinations taking place in June. For 1st and 3rd Year modules this means that there is usually no teaching between the middle of March and the exam in June.
Inbound Exchange students can take first, second and third year modules in Economics. If you are here for only part of the year, you will have to use our Part-Year Module Handbook to check which modules you are allowed to take in accordance with your course term length (e.g. Autumn & Spring Term, Spring Term only, etc.). In line with our full-time degree regulations, if students are here for a whole full academic year, we expect them to study a full CATS load which is 120 CATS (60 ECTS) and any inbound Exchange Students based in Economics are expected to study at least 50% Economics modules. For part-year students, the total CATS load students are expected to take is calculated in proportion to their course term length as follows:• Autumn Only - 48 CATS
• Autumn & Spring - 96 CATS
• Spring Only - 48 CATS
• Spring & Summer - 72 CATS
Please note that it is a government requirement that Inbound Exchange students fit as closely as possible with the amount of study undertaken by a 2nd or 3rd Year student. We are aware that this may mean that you accrue more credits than are required by your home university. If your total module CATS amount is below what we require you to study we would need written confirmation from your home university.
Module Availability
In this Department, modules run either for one term or the whole year. In both cases, however, students are only examined at the end of the year, i.e. in the third term, the Summer term. It is however possible to enrol as an Exchange student for only one or two of the terms. Not all modules are available to students who are with us only for the Autumn and/or the Spring terms. It is likely that if you only study the modules for one or two terms that you will receive fewer credits than students studying it for the entire year. Typically, you will have to confirm your choice with your home university. However, there is the disclaimer that our modules may be changed or not run in a specific year or only run in one term which cannot be altered to accommodate degree regulations from your home university.
Module structure
Each module will usually consist of a synchronous and asynchronous lecture a week, and usually a small class every two weeks or so. Some third year modules do not have classes. It is your responsibility to find lecture theatres and classrooms, so use your first week to take a tour and familiarise yourself with the campus. You can use the Interactive Campus Map to help you.
Choosing your modules
Whilst you can theoretically take modules from across all three undergraduate years, in practice, you will have to be aware that some modules will have pre or co-requisites where you will need to be able to show you have appropriate knowledge and skills in order to take these modules. This means that, for example, if you would like to study EC201: Macroeconomics 2, the pre-requisites are EC108 or EC107, which are two modules that cover Macroeconomics at level 1, so to take this module you should have studied some Macroeconomics at beginner level at your home university. There might also be restrictions on the module, that a module may not be combined with certain modules. You can check the details for each module on our UG Modules pages. You should also bear in mind the assessment methods for the modules you would like to do, each module page contains a breakdown of the assessment method and coursework details. Some modules use tests, others use assignments such as essays, or problem sets. You should consider choosing a combination of modules that you can cope with which means that if a module requires a lot of essay writing as part of the assessment, you need to assess whether your academic English writing is already strong enough to produce work that will accurately reflect your academic ability in English.
Remember, if you are only here for part of the academic year, you must use the Part-Year Module Handbook, as not every module may be available on a part-year basis.
As modules for different years are taught in the same slots in the week, you may find that if you mix modules from different years that there may be timetable clashes.
Factors to consider on making your module choices:
- Find out more about available modules either on the UG Module pages or, if you are only studying at Warwick for part of the academic year, check the Part-Year Module Handbook.
- Check pre-requisites and restrictions on the UG Module pages.
- Check assessment methods on each module page and if it is different for part-year students in the Part-Year Module Handbook.
- If you would like to take any outside modules, enquire directly with the relevant departments about availability of these.
- Make sure you reach the full amount of CATS you are expected to study as outlined above.
- Once you have done all this, you can proceed to submit your choices on the module registration form.
For second and third year modules, our students will usually do approximately two pieces of work during the year which count for 20% of the module mark, with the June examination counting for the remaining 80%. If you are present for the entire academic year, you will be required to sit your exams in June. Module marks for students here for part of the academic year are based on assessed work rather an exam; for non-quantitative modules this usually means essays. You can check the assessment components for the modules available to you in the Part-Year Module Handbook. If you come for just one term, then the norm is that you will do one essay or test.Help in essay writing and other study skills for your time at Warwick are available from the Library and from Careers and Skills. As well as extensive online support these two services also offer short courses and face-to-face advice. Inbound Exchange Students are encouraged to make use of this support soon after arriving at Warwick and certainly well before they have to write their first essay. While you may feel you have strong scholarly skills, it can be important to get in tune with expectations for academic work at this university.
Taking Modules from Other Departments
Incoming Exchange students are permitted to take modules from other departments within the University. However, all students based within the Department of Economics are required to study at least 50% of Economics modules. Please note our modules are in Economics and not business studies, for the latter you will need to take modules run by the Warwick Business School.
If you wish to undertake a module in another department you will need to contact them directly to check availability and seek approval. Once you have done so you can add it to the Economics online module registration system (eMR). We will then register you for the module.
All Exchange students based in the Department of Economics should follow the procedure below to register for a module in another department:
- Contact department to check availability and pre-requisites
- Obtain emailed approval or provide a screenshot of your registration in my.wbs and forward return to
- Add your module choice to the Economics module registration form.
- Information on other Departments Exchange students usually study modules is available below.
Warwick Business School (WBS) modules
Economics students wishing to register for WBS modules, must do so via their my.wbs portal. Using your IT Services usercode and password you can create an account by going to You will be able to view the modules available to you.
Language Modules
All Exchange students based in Economics are able to take a language module during their time with us. You should look at the difference between LL100 coded modules and LL200 coded modules, as the LL200 coded modules represent an accelerated beginners course in the language chosen. If you would like to register for a Language Module you will have to get in touch with the Language Centre directly to find out if there are spaces available and what their deadlines for registration are:
Tel: +44 (0)24 7652 3462
Victoria Cox
Undergraduate Programmes Officer
Tel: +44(0)24 765 73312
Fiona Au
Undergraduate Coordinator
Tel: +44 (0)24765 23302
Faye Brown
Undergraduate Programmes Officer
Tel: +44(0)24 765 23600
Computer Science
Gillian Reeves-Brown
Undergraduate Coordinator
Tel: +44 (0)24 7652 3193
Module Registration for Economics Modules
We will have drop-in sessions for you in Week 2 to register and confirm your module choices and will be in touch with you about signing up for these sessions via Tabula. These will be held with the Undergraduate Team outside S0.88. In the meantime you should be preparing your choices before this appointment but be aware that they are subject to final approval by the Department.