Before you arrive
Before you arrive at Warwick, there are a few steps that you are required to complete to ensure your transition into the Department is as smooth and enjoyable as possible.
Diploma Preparation
The Diploma course is a 9-month conversion course for graduates in other disciplines to enable them to do further postgraduate work in Economics, such as a Masters, as well as a stand-alone course in its own right.
Most Diploma students have little or no background in Economics, although a minority have done a degree in Economics and wish to concentrate on developing their quantitative skills or need to spend an extra year developing their economics before starting their masters.
The programme is quite demanding because it consists in the main of second-year undergraduate courses designed primarily for students who have already done one year of economics here at Warwick. Although there is additional teaching for Diploma students, you will find that there is a lot to learn very quickly and therefore you will find it beneficial to do some preparation.
Normally module lecturers in second-year undergraduate courses will assume some familiarity with mathematics, statistics/data analysis, microeconomic and macroeconomics concepts. It is expected that students on Diploma might have different backgrounds in terms of such skills, and you might be in a better position to judge what knowledge needs refreshing. To help you with your preparation we have provided some resources to engage with over the summer and made various documents available to you:
- As preparation for EC201 Macroeconomics 2, you can review a set of lecture notes and sample exercises from the Year 1 undergraduate Macroeconomics 1 course.
- As preparation for EC202 Microeconomics 2 you can review a set of lecture notes and sample exercises from the Year 1 undergraduate Microeconomics 1 course.
- As preparation for EC226 Econometrics 1 you can review a set of lecture notes and exercises on statistics at Introduction to EC226.
- If you have not done maths for a while, studied maths in context different from economics, or may be unfamiliar with mathematical vocabulary in English, it is essential to brush up your knowledge ahead of arriving at Warwick. You can review a set of lecture notes from the Year 1 undergraduate Mathematical Techniques B If you find these notes difficult to follow at first, you might want to start by completing the diagnostic quizzes from the Refresher Maths for Economics online resource ahead of going through the lecture notes.
References are provided where needed, but any maths for economists, statistics, micro or macro primer should be enough to help with the questions.