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EC346: Research Methods in Economics

  • Neil Lloyd

    Module Leader
15 CATS - Department of Economics

Principal Aims

This is a final year research project which requires students to apply their knowledge of economics to a chosen area.

Principal Learning Outcomes

Subject knowledge and understanding: (i) understand how economists approach questions, in particular, how they construct hypotheses and use data to discriminate between alternate explanations for events or patterns.

Independent research skills: students will develop organisation and time management skills required to produce their own research analysis

Written communication skills: students will develop skills in writing on a specialised economics subject, clearly communicating technical economics material succinctly

Oral communication skills: students will have an opportunity to present their research to a tutor and other students


The module will typically cover the following topics: research methods; guidance on choosing a topic, developing a research question, searching the literature, guide to economic data sources, overview of useful techniques for applied economic analysis.


Pre or Co-requisites
Modules: EC204-30 and (EC203-30 or EC226-30)


Assessment Method
Coursework (100%)
Coursework Details
300 Word Extract (10%) , Assignment 2 (Written Report) (70%) , Presentation 1 (20%)
Exam Timing