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10: General Information

Dignity at Warwick

We are committed to ensuring a working and learning environment in which all University members (staff and students) are treated fairly and with dignity and respect, and where bullying and harassment are not tolerated.

All staff and students have the right to be treated fairly, a responsibility to encourage a culture of dignity and respect and to challenge inappropriate behaviour. It is expected that we all contribute to ensuring that the University continues to be a safe, welcoming and productive environment, where there is equality of opportunity, fostered in an environment of mutual respect and dignity.

We are all responsible for ensuring that individuals do not suffer any form of harassment or bullying . We encourage the constructive discussion of differences of views and to raise issues with the relevant individuals before they escalate.

The Dignity at Warwick PolicyLink opens in a new window outlines unacceptable behaviours. If you experience an incident(s) of sexual misconduct, bullying, harassment, discrimination, or hate crime, please tell us what happened via secure and confidential online platform called 'Report + SupportLink opens in a new window' . You can report anonymously or speak with an advisor. If you submit a report to speak to an advisor, a specially trained Liaison Officer will contact you within 2 University working days.

Personal Safety and Security on Campus

To feel and stay safe on campus, please familiarise yourself with some guidelines that the Community Safety team have provided for students on the Community SafetyLink opens in a new window website. It offers advice on how to stay safe in your student home on and off campus, and how best to protect your property. You will also find details of who you need to call when in need of help.

Health and Safety

We consider that high standards of health and safety are of paramount importance in enabling us to achieve our objectives. We view compliance with legal requirements as the minimum acceptable health and safety standard. We are committed to planning, reviewing and developing health and safety arrangements in order to achieve a continual improvement in performance.

All staff, students and others working in the Department are expected to adopt a positive attitude to health and safety issues and must comply with appropriate legal requirements and University requirements as laid down in the University's Health and Safety PolicyLink opens in a new window.

The Head of Department, Professor Ben Lockwood, holds the ultimate responsibility for health and safety within the Department, but delegates elements of the maintenance, monitoring, development and implementation of health and safety policy and practices to the Director of Operations, Sarah Duggan, whose roles include that of the Department Health and Safety Officer (DHSO).

You should inform the DHSO of any situation that you consider a real or potential hazard or shortcomings in health and safety arrangements. The situation will be added to our risk register, the risk evaluated, and reasonably practicable measures should be put in place to eliminate or reduce the risk.

We will make suitable arrangements for health and safety within the limits of available financial and physical resources. Any relevant information on health and safety will be communicated to people working in the Department.

Information on fire evacuation procedures, first aid and emergency contact details can be found on laminated notices in all rooms allocated to the Department. You should also familiarise yourself with the evacuation procedure for other buildings on campus where you have lectures and seminars.


Other Policies and Regulations

The information in this Handbook is as accurate and up to date as we can make it. Changes may be made during the academic year where appropriate. Statements of departmental policy are made in good faith and are an honest attempt to describe current practices, but they do not replace entries in University regulations. In the event of uncertainty the University Calendar and Regulations take precedence.