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Key contacts

Who to contact for information and support

There are various sources of student support and guidance available to you within the Department and the University.

As an Undergraduate Economics student, the one that you might find most easily accessible is the pastoral care system within the Department.

Undergraduate Office

Your first point of call for most initial enquiries is the Undergraduate Office which is headed by the UG Programme Manager Jo Turrall. Support will be offered face to face (in S0.88), via email or phone. The UG Office have overall responsibility of:

  • Co-ordinating undergraduate courses and modules

  • Administrative and clerical support for undergraduate courses and modules, including handling student materials such as handbooks and coursework

  • Operation of the Personal Tutor System

  • Timetabling of classes and room allocation

  • Pastoral support offered by Tina MacSkimming and Inga Turner, Student Support and Progression Officers



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Get in touch

Staff in the Undergraduate Office may be contacted on:

T: +44 (0) 24 765 23933
E: economics dot ugoffice at warwick dot ac dot uk

Your Personal Tutor

Each student is allocated a Personal Tutor (PT), who is the member of academic staff to whom the you can turn for advice regarding academic matters. New students can find out who has been assigned as their personal tutor on Tabula.

Your personal tutor can also signpost you to more appropriate sources of personal support and guidance within the University.

Year One Tutors

The Year Tutors work with alongside the Senior Tutor, Dr Amira ElasraLink opens in a new window and under the guidance of the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Professor Elizabeth JonesLink opens in a new window. The Year One tutor is Bhaskar ChakravortyLink opens in a new window and they have the responsibility to:

  • Meet with students who are experiencing personal/health problems and advise them on the sources of support available to them inside the Department and the University.

  • Advise students with problems on Departmental rules and regulations.

  • Advise students in their year cohort who wish to pursue the option of taking Temporary Withdrawal.

  • Review students with poor attendance or study records.

Director of Student Engagement and Progression

 Christian SoegaardLink opens in a new window is responsible for overseeing student engagement and student experience within the department and for convening the Undergraduate Student-Staff Liaison Committee.

The Director of Undergraduate Studies

Professor Elizabeth JonesLink opens in a new window is responsible for overall implementation of the Department’s academic policies in relation to undergraduate teaching and is also responsible for making decisions or recommendations in cases involving individual undergraduate students. Elizabeth Jones is supported in her role by the Deputy Director of Undergraduate Studies, Dr Emil Kostadinov Link opens in a new windowand Deputy Head of Department (Teaching and Learning), Dr Claudia Rei.Link opens in a new window

Student Support Services (University Wide)

Student Support acts as a hub for all the different support services available on campus. The Student Support team often see students who have a problem or difficulty, but aren’t quite sure where to turn to for help in the first instance.

They offer help and guidance, and if appropriate, signpost students to more specialist services within the University or externally.